Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68A.djvu/887

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CHAPTER 73—BONDS Sec. 7101. Form of bonds. Sec. 7102. Single bond in lieu of multiple bonds. Sec. 7103. Cross references—other provisions for bonds. SEC. 7101. FORM OF BONDS. Whenever, pursuant to the provisions of this title (other than sections 7485 and 6803 (a)(1)), or rules or regulations prescribed under authority of this title, a person is required to furnish a bond or security— (1) GENERAL RULE.—Such bond or security shall be in such form and with such surety or sureties as may be prescribed by regulations issued by the Secretary or his delegate. (2) UNITED STATES BONDS AND NOTES IN LIEU OF SURETY BONDS.—

The person required to furnish such bond or security may, in lieu thereof, deposit bonds or notes of the United States as provided in 6 U.S.C. 15. SEC. 7102. SINGLE BOND IN LIEU OF MULTIPLE BONDS. I n any case in which two or more bonds are required or authorized, the Secretary or his delegate may provide for the acceptance of a single bond complying with the requirements for which the several bonds are required or authorized. SEC. 7103. CROSS REFERENCES—OTHER PROVISIONS FOR BONDS. (a) EXTENSIONS OP T I M E. —

(1) For bond where time to pay tax or deficiency has been extended, see section 6165. (2) For bond to stay collection of a jeopardy assessment, see section 6863. (3) For bond to stay assessment and collection prior to review of a Tax Court decision, see section 7485. (4) For furnishing of bond where taxable year is closed by the Secretary or his delegate, see section 6851(e). (5) For bond in case of an election to postpone payment of estate tax where the value of a reversionary or remainder interest is included in the gross estate, see section 6165. (b) R E L E A S E OF L I E N OR SEIZED PROPERTY. —

(1) For the release of the lien provided for in section 6325 by furnishing the Secretary or his delegate a bond, see section 6325(a)(2). (2) For bond to obtain release of perishable goods which have been seized under forfeiture proceeding, see section 7324(3). (3) For bond to release perishable goods under levy, see section 6336. (4) For bond executed by claimant of seized goods valued at $1000 or less, see section 7325(3). (c)


(1) For bond as a condition precedent to the allowance of the credit for accrued foreign taxes, see section 905(c). (2) For bonds relating to alcohol and tobacco taxes, see generally subtitle E.

§ 7103(c)(2)