Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/1319

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[68 Stat. V]
[68 Stat. V]

SUBJECT Air Force, Department of the — C o n t i n u e d •^"*® Real estate, restriction on acquisition; options 560 Reports to Congress— Discontinuance of certain reports required by law 967 Officer Grade Limitation Act of 1954, reports under 70 Real estate options 560 Research and development, appropriation for 347 Reserve components— Appropriation for 348 Reserve Officer Personnel Act of 1954_ 1147 Reserve Officers' Training Corps— Active training duty, extension of indemnity coverage 780 Issuance of property to educational institutions a t which units are maintained, bond requirement. 896 Loyalty requirement 356 Retired personnel— Pay, appropriation for 338 Repeal of restriction on voluntary retirement 70 W a r r a n t officers 162 Stock F u n d, reduction in funds available 349 Trailers for occupancy by military personnel 1126 United States Air Force Institute of Technology, authority of Air University Commander to confer degrees 1006 Vessels, transfer authorized 355 Veterans Administration, allotments and transfers of funds from, authorization 290 Veterinarians, grade and service credit of officers assigned as 357 W a r r a n t Officer Act of 1954 157 W r i g h t - P a t t e r s o n Air Force Base, Ohio, concurrent jurisdiction over certain highways 18 Air Force A c a d e m y: Appointment of sons of individuals dying as result of active service, extension to Korean conflict 168 Appropriation for construction 820 Establishment 47 Air Force Academy Act 47 Air Force Organization Act of 1951, Amendments, appointment of two additional Assistant Secretaries.__ 649, 650 Air Force R e s e r v e. See Reserve components under Air Force, Department of the. Air M u s e u m, National, appropriation for. 288 Air National Guard. See under National Guard.

INDEX Air Patrol, Civil. See Civil Air Patrol. Aircraft, deferment of bond for craft temporarily imported for races, etc

^'»B« 914

Airports: Alaska, appropriation for 423 District of Columbia— Land acquisition for additional airport, appropriation for deficiency judgments 85, 805 Washington National Airport, appropriation for 449, 806 Federal Airport Act, funds for effecting provisions 423, 806 Fort Smith, Ark., payment of claim against United States for engineering costs in connection with airport improvement 982 Alabama: Boundary agreement with Florida, consent of Congress 77 Causeway across Garrows Bend Channel, consent of Congress granted to. 1255 Coosa River, development of 302 Flood control projects authorized 1263 River and H a r b o r Act of 1954, projects authorized 1251 Southeastern I n t e r s t a t e Forest Fire Protection Compact, consent of Congress to 563 U. S. S. Hartford, transfer to Mobile.._ 527 Alabama and Coushatta Tribes of Texas, termination of Federal supervision 768 Alameda, Calif., Naval Air Station, construction of facilities authorized 539 Alamogordo D a m, Carlsbad Project, N. Mex., funds available for increasing spillway capacity 365 Alaslca: Agricultural experiment stations, appropriation for 305 Agricultural extension work, appropriation for 306 Airports, appropriation for 423, 806 Alaska Communications System. See under Army, Department of the. Appropriation for administration 372 Canadian vessels, transportation between designated points, authority. 321 Cold Bay, funds available for construction of aeronautical facilities a t 805 Deputy Commissioners, appointment and compensation 52 District attorneys. United States, appropriation for salaries and expenses 419 Fish and wildlife resources, funds available 371 Flood control project on Gold Creek and tributaries, authorized 1265