Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/416

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PUBLIC LAW 468-JULY 1, 1954

[68 S T A T.

5 USC 835 note, reimbursed as authorized by the Act of June 9, 1949 (63 Stat. 166), but not to exceed $900 for any one individual. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS

Department of Corrections, inchiding subsistence of interns; compensation of consulting physicians, dentists, and other specialists at rates to be fixed by the Commissioners; attendance of guards at pistol and rifle matches; uniforms and other distinctive wearing apparel necessary for employees in the performance of their official duties; rental of motion picture films; repairs and improvements to buildings and grounds; purchase of motorbusses; support, maintenance, and transportation of prisoners transferred from the District of Columbia; interment or transporting the remains of deceased prisoners to their relatives or friends in the United States; electrocutions; identifying, pursuing, recapturing (including rewards therefor), and returning to institutions, escaped inmates and parole and conditional-release violators; and returning released prisoners to their residences, or to such other place within the United States as may be authorized by the Director, and the furnishing of suitable clothing, and in the discretion of the Director, an amount of money not to exceed $30, regardless of length of sentence; $4,374,674. PUBLIC


Department of Public Welfare, including the general administration of public welfare in the District of Columbia, contract investigational services, certification of persons eligible for any public benefits which are or may become available under rules and regulations prescribed by the Commissioners, or their designated agent, relief and rehabilitation for purposes of employment of indigent residents of the District of Columbia (to be expended under rules and regulations prescribed by the Commissioners or their designated agent or agency), vocational rehabilitation of disabled residents, aid to dependent children, assistance against old-age want, aid for needy blind persons, services for children in their own homes, maintenance pending transportation, and transportation of indigent persons (including veterans and their families), burial of indigent residents of the District of Columbia, placing and visiting children, board and care of children committed to the guardianship of the Department of Public Welfare by the courts of the District and children accepted by said Department of Public Welfare for care as authorized by law, temporary care of children pending investigation or while being transferred from place to place, with authority to pay for the care of children in institutions under sectarian control, continuous maintenance of foster homes for temporary or emergency board and care of nondelinquent children, care and maintenance of women and children under contracts to be made by the Commissioners or their duly authorized agent with the Florence Crittenton Home, Saint Ann's Infant Asylum and Maternity Hospital, the House of Mercy, and other institutions caring for unmarried mothers, burial of children dying while beneficiaries under this appropriation, operation of protective institutions, repairs and improvements to buildings and grounds, purchase of passenger, truck and bus motor vehicles, maintenance of a suitable place in a building entirely separate and apart from the house of detention for the reception and detention of children under eighteen years of age arrested by the police on charge of offense against any laws in force in the District of Columbia or committed to the guardianship of the Department of Public Welfare, or held as witnesses or held temporarily, or pending hearing, or otherwise, and male witnesses eighteen years of age or