Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/1047

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[69 Stat. XXV]
[69 Stat. XXV]


SUBJECT INDEX Crimes and Misdemeanors—Continued •^*^* Canal Zone, penalty for violation of regulations of sale and use of fireworks 189 Cigarettes, violations relating to collection of State taxes 627 Citizenship requirements, U. S. employees, false affidavit, penalty 195 District of Columbia, election of delegates to national political conventions, false representations, reports, etc., penalty 704 Fellowships conferred by Atomic Energy Commission, acceptance by certain persons 355 Government Security, Commission on, refusal to testify before, p e n a l t y. _ 597 International Claims Settlement Act, penalties for violations 570, 574 Narcotic drugs, penalty for violations of internal revenue laws 3 Overthrow of United States Government, advocacy by employees 625 Appropriation act provisions 6, 43, 63, 78, 158, 197, 216, 237, 261, 280, 318, 364, 412, 439, 469, 520. Strikes against United States Government, participation, etc., by employees 625 Appropriation act provisions 6, 43, 63, 78, 158, 197, 216, 237, 261, 280, 318, 364, 412, 439, 469, 520. Crow Creek Unit, Missouri River Basin Project, contract with Toston Irrigation District, Mont., for operation and maintenance of 697 Cuba: Appropriation for maintenance of Surrender Tree Site 360 Naval installations and facilities, construction authorized 335, 336 Cuban Products, restriction on d u t y rate decreases 165 Cubi Point, Philippine Islands, construction of n a v a l facilities authorized 335 Currency: Inscription " I n God We T r u s t " 290 Reimbursement of Federal Reserve banks for expenses of verification and destruction 72 Custer County, Mont., extension of authority for land conveyance to Miles City 395 Custis-Lee Mansion, dedication as memorial 190 Correction of enrolled bill B9 Customs, Bureau of. See under Treasury Department. Customs and Patent Appeals, Court of. See under United States Courts.

Customs Court. See under United States Courts. Customs Duties. See Imports. Cutting Oils, excise tax



D Dahlgren, Va., Naval Proving Ground, land acquisition authorized 333 Daingerfield, Tex., construction of n a v a l facilities authorized 333 Dalles Dam, payments to Indians for fishing interests impaired by; relocation funds, etc 361 Dam Neck, Va., construction of naval facilities authorized 334 David Taylor Model Basin, Md., construction of facilities authorized 329 Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., construction of facilities authorized 343 Davisville, R. I., construction of naval facilities authorized 334 Debt, Public. See Public Debt. Decatur Signal Depot, 111., construction of facilities authorized 325 Defense, Department of. See also Air Force, Department of the; Armed Forces; Army, Department of the; Navy, Department of the. Access roads, appropriation for 453 Appropriation Act 301 Appropriation for 31, 239, 301, 453, 463 Apportionment, exemption from certain requirements, authority of the President 317 Availability until expended, limitation 317 Atomic weapons rewards, membership of Secretary on Awards Board 366 Bakery facilities, restriction on use of funds for 320,454 Canal Zone. See separate title. Career Compensation Act of 1949. See separate title. Career Incentive Act of 1955 18 Citizenship requirements, nonapplicability to personnel 314 Civilian employees— Funds available for instruction and training, restriction , 314 Limitation on number 318 Claims, appropriation for 31, 302 Coast and Geodetic Survey, reimbursement for charts furnished by 228 Commissary stores, restrictions on operation 317 C o m m o d i t y Credit Corporation, reimbursement for foreign currencies 351 Condemnation proceedings, funds available for payment of deficiency judgments 31ft