Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/1049

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[69 Stat. XXVII]
[69 Stat. XXVII]

SUBJECT Defense, Department of—Continued ^^^^ Research and development, funds available 319 Reserve Forces Act of 1955 598 Reserve Officers Training Corps, loyalty requirement 320 Reserve tools and facilities, funds available for 302 Retired pay, appropriation for 31, 303 Schooling for dependents of personnel, funds available, limitation 315 Scrap or salvage materials, use of proceeds from sale 317 Secretary, Office of, appropriation for. 301 Small business, assistance to 316 Springfield, Mo., certification of certain land as necessary for National Guard use 592 Strikes against United States Government, restriction on employment of persons engaging in 318 Transfer of funds 302 Tuition and off-duty training expenses, limitation 320 Uniform Code of Military Justice, amendment, salaries and travel expenses of judges of Court of Military Appeals 10 Uniforms for civilian employees, funds available 43, 321 United States products, procurement requirement; exception 320 Vessels, transfer authorized 319 Defense Forces, State, organization and maintenance authority 686 Defense Housing and Community Facilities and Services Act of 1951. See under Housing. Defense Mobilization, Office of: Appropriation for 193, 457 Defense Production Act Amendments of 1955 ._. 580 Report to Congress, defense production activities, share of procurement going to small business 581 Reports to President— Defense production activities, share of procurement going to small business 581 Trade agreements, imports threatening to impair national security-166 Defense Production, Joint Committee on: Civil Service Commission report on persons employed without compensation for defense production activities 583 Expenditures limitation; stenographic service costs 583 Defense Production Act Amendments of 1955 580



Defense Production Act of 1950, Amend- ^^^'^ ments: Antitrust laws, etc., applicability to voluntary agreements and programs 581 Civilian m a r k e t allocations 580 Declaration of policy 580 Employment of persons without compensation; applicability of conflictof-interest statutes 582 GS-16, 17, and 18 positions, repeal 180 Joint Committee on Defense Production, expenditures limitation; stenographic service costs 583 Nucleus executive reserve, establishment 583 Small business, encouragement and distribution of defense contracts to 580 Strategic and critical materials, development of substitutes 580 Time extension 225, 583 Deficiency Appropriation Act, Second Urgent, 1955 68 Deficiency Appropriation Act, Urgent, 1955 4 Delaware-Maryland Boundary Resurvey. 633 Demopolis Lock and Dam, Ala., reconveyance of certain lands by Army Department 608 Denison Reservoir, Tex. and Okla., highway bridge across Lake Texoma 365 Dental Health Activities, appropriation for 407 Denton County, Tex., change of n a m e of Garza-Little Elm D a m to Lewisville Dam 624 Dependents Assistance Act of 1950, Amendment, extension 224 Deportation Suspensions, concurrent resolutions respecting B5, B 3 3 Saclo, Bernardino Canares, withdrawal of suspension B9 D e s Moines River, adjustment of bridge tolls by Wayland Special R o a d District No. 1 of Clark County, Mo 85 Deseret Chemical Depot, Utah, construction of facilities authorized 325 Desert Land Act, waiver of "prior a p p r o priation" requirement for entries dependent upon percolating w a t e r s. _ 491 Desert Lands. See Public Lands. Detention Benefits, time extension 241 Detroit, Mich., extension of invitation to hold 1960 Olympic Games a t 8 Devils Kitchen Dam, transfer of funds for construction to Engineers Corps 148 Devils Tower National Monument, Wyo., acquisition of additional land, authority 576