Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/13

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[69 Stat. xiii]
[69 Stat. xiii]


xill Date

Capitol, elevators. AN ACT Authorizing the installation of additional elevators in the Senate wing of the Capitol July 12, 1955 156 Armed Forces, reserves on active duty. AN ACT To provide for the suspension of certain benefits in the case of members of the reserve components of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps ordered to extended active d u t y in time of war or national emergency, and for other purposes July 12, 1955 157 Dept. of Defense Appropriation Act, 1956. AN ACT Making appropriations for the Department of Defense for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1956, and for other purposes July 13, 1955 158 Alaska, roads and trails. AN ACT To amend section 2 of the Act of J a n u a r v 27, 1905 (33 Stat. 616), as amended (48 U.S.C. 1952 edition, sec. 322) July 14, 1955___ 159 Air pollution control. AN ACT To provide research and technical assistance relating to air pollution control July 14, 1955 160 ___ F err ells Bridge Reservoir, Tex. JOINT RESOLUTION To modify the authorized project for Ferrells Bridge Reservoir, Texas, and to provide for the local cash contribution for the water supply feature of that reservoir July 15, 1955 161 Military, naval, and Air Force construction. AN ACT To a u t h o r ize certain construction a t military, naval, and Air Force installations, and for other purposes July 15, 1955 162 Coal, anthracite conservation. AN ACT To provide for the conservation of anthracite coal resources through measures of flood control and anthracite mine drainage, and for other purposes. July 15, 1955 163 Public Works Appropriation Act, 1956. AN ACT Making a p p r o priations for the Atomic Energy Commission, the Tennessee Valley Authority, certain agencies of the Department of the Interior, and civil functions administered by the Department of the Army, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1956, and for other purposes July 15, 1955 — 164 Bridge, Lake Texoma, Tex.-Okla. AN ACT To modify the project for the Denison Reservoir on Red River in Texas and Oklah o m a in order to provide for a highway bridge across Lake Texoma July 15, 1955.. 165 Atomic Weapons Rewards Act of 1955. AN ACT To provide rewards for information concerning the illegal introduction into the United States, or the illegal manufacture or acquisition in the United States, of special nuclear material and atomic weapons July 15, 1955 — 166 — Farmers and stockmen, loans. AN ACT To amend the Act of April 6, 1949, to extend the period for emergency assistance to farmers and stockmen July 15, 1955 — 167 — Public lands, multiple use. AN ACT To amend the Act of July 31, 1947 (61 Stat. 681) and the mining laws to provide for multiple use of the surface of the same t r a c t s of the public lands, and for other purposes July 23, 1955 — 168 — France, loan of aircraft carrier. AN ACT To extend the existing authority for the loan of a small aircraft carrier to the Government of France July 26, 1955 — 169... Pike Creek, Kenosha, Wis. AN ACT To declare Pike Creek above the easterly side of the highway bridge at Sixth Avenue in the city of Kenosha, Wisconsin, a nonnavigable stream July 26, 1955 — 170 — Postal Service, mailing of church publications. AN ACT To amend the Act of August 24, 1912, to simplify the procedures governing the mailings of certain publications of churches and church organizations July 26, 1955 — 171 — Highways, rights-of-way and timber areas. AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to acquire certain rights-of-way and timber access roads July 26, 1955 — 172 — Servicemen's Indemnity Act of 1951, amendment. AN ACT To redefine the terms "stepchild" and " s t e p p a r e n t " for the purposes of the Servicemen's I n d e m n i t y Act of 1951, as amended. July 26, 1955^— 173 Subversive Activities Control Act of 1950, amendment. AN ACT To amend subsection (e)(1) of section 13A of the Subversive Activities Control Act of 1950 to change from two years to three years the standard contained therein with respect to the past affiliations of individuals conducting the m a n a g e m e n t of certain organizations July 26, 1955 — 174 — Commodity Exchange Act, amendment. AN ACT To amend the Commodity Exchange Act July 26, 1955 — 175... AMVETS, membership eligibility. AN ACT To redefine eligibility for membership in A M V E T S (American Veterans of World War II) July 26, 1955.. -

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