Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/168

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[69 Stat. 126]
[69 Stat. 126]


55 Stat. 862.

PUBLIC LAW 6 8 - J U N E 10, 1955

[68 S T A T.

(1) Each employee in or below salary level P F S - 7 shall be paid for all work in excess of eight hours in one day at the rate of 150 per centum of his hourly basic compensation. (2)(A) Each employee in or below salary level P F S - 7 who performs work on Saturdays or Sundays shall, under regulations prescribed by the Postmaster General, be granted compensatory time in an amount equal to the excess time worked within five working days, except that, in lieu of such compensatory time, the Postmaster General may, if the exigencies of the service require, authorize such employee to oe paid, for work performed on Saturdays and Sundays during the month of December, at the rate of 150 per centum of his hourly basic compensation. (B) If the work performed by such employees on Saturdays and Sundays is less than eight hours, such service, in the discretion of the Postmaster General may be carried forward and combined with similar service performed on other Saturdays and Sundays. The employees may be allowed compensatory time for such combined service or any part thereof at any time, except that, whenever at least eight hours of such service has been accumulated, the employees shall be allowed eight hours compensatory time on one day within five working days next succeeding the Saturday or Sunday on which the total accumulated service was at least eight hours. (3) For time worked on a day referred to as a holiday in the Act of December 26, 1941 (5 U.S.C. sec. 87b), or on a day designated by Executive order as a holiday for Federal employees generally, each employee in or below salary level P F S - 7, under regulations prescribed by the Postmaster General, shall either be granted compensatory time in an amount equal to such time worked within thirty working days, or be paid premium compensation at a rate equal to his hourly basic compensation for the time so worked. For work performed on Christmas Day, premium compensation shall be paid at a rate equal to 150 per centum of the employee's hourly basic compensation. (4) Each employee in or above salary level P F S - 8 who performs overtime or holiday work as described in this section, under regulations prescribed by the Postmaster General, shall be granted compensatory time in an amount equal to such overtime or holiday work. N I G H T WOKK

SEC. 604. Employees who perform work between the hours of 6 o'clock post meridian and 6 o'clock ante meridian standard or daylight saving time, depending upon which time is observed where such work is performed, shall be paid extra compensation for each hour of such M'ork at the rate of 10 per centum of their hourly basic compensation. The differential for night duty shall not be included in computing any overtime compensation to which such employees may be entitled. E X E M P T I O N OF Ci:RTAIN EMPLOYEES FROM CERTAIN PROVISIONS RELATING TO P A Y ADMINISTRATION

SEC. 605. (a) Sections 602,603, and 604 of this Act do not apply to the heads of regional or district offices and such other employees of the headquarters staff of regional and district offices as the Postmaster General designates, or to postmasters, rural carriers, post office inspectors, traveling mechanicians, and traveling examiners of equipment and supplies. (b) Sections 602 and 603 of this Act do not apply to substitute employees and to employees in the Postal Transportation Service assigned to road duty.