Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/175

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[69 Stat. 133]
[69 Stat. 133]

69 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 72-JUNE 15, 1965

Beginning at a stone bound in the boundary line of the aforesaid reservation marking a point of curvature in the southerly location line of the right-of-way of the Fitchburg and Leominster Street Railway and extending thence by said boundary southeasterly by a curve to the left of 1,025,00 feet radius 222.45 feet to a point; thence leaving said boundary line and extending north 83 degrees 32 minutes 58 seconds west 520.53 feet to a point on the dividing line between the towns of Harvard and Shirley as approximately located by the Nashua River; thence following said dividing line north 55 degrees 52 minutes 17 seconds east 110.22 feet to the aforesaid boundary line; thence returning by said boundary line south 71 degrees 6 minutes 53 seconds east 221.30 feet to the point of beginning; containing about 15,000 square feet. Parcel " B ": A parcel of land in the town of Shirley, comprising a portion of tract numbered 201, shown on sheet numbered 1 of a plan on file in the Office of the Corps of Engineers, New England Division, at l^oston, Massachusetts, as Number NED-PA-638, dated May 1940, said parcel being located in the northeasterly corner of said tract and being bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a stone bound marking the northeasterly corner of the boundary line of said tract and extending thence by said boundary line ^outh 27 degrees 36 minutes 2 seconds east 55.34 feet; thence leaving said boundary line and extending south 67 degrees 31 minutes 31 seconds west 619.41 feet to a point again on said boundary line; thence returning by said boundary line north 62 degrees 23 minutes 58 seconds east 616.93 feet to the point of beginning; containing about 17,070 square feet (the above-described parcels of land being the same parcels covered by a grant from the Secretary of War to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, dated June 18, 1947, authorized by the Act of Congress approved July 5, 1884 (23 Stat. 104)). Parcel " C ": A parcel of land comprising a portion of the Fort Devens Reservation, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the westerly boundary of said reservation (in the town of Lancaster) at bound numbered 39 thereof, and extending thence (along said boundary between said bound numbered 39 and bound numbered 40) north 60 degrees 32 minutes 27 seconds east 623.39 feet; thence leaving said boundary and extending (partly in Lancaster and partly in Harvard) south 79 degrees 15 minutes 41 seconds east 1,074.93 feet; thence in Harvard north 48 degrees 32 minutes 49 seconds east 368.43 feet; thence north 23 degrees 41 minutes 23 seconds east 375.84 feet; thence south 73 degrees 6 minutes 56 seconds east 90.00 feet; thence south 3 degrees 1 minute 55 seconds east 502.16 feet; thence south 15 degrees 29 minutes 11 seconds east 533.03 feet; thence south 51 degrees 39 minutes 51 seconds east 496.49 feet; thence south 79 degrees 15 minutes 41 seconds east 5,656.00 feet; thence by a curve to the left of 2,400.29 feet radius 524.96 feet to a point on the northwesterly location line of the right-of-way of the Boston and Maine Railroad (Worcester to A v e r); said right-of-way location line also marking the easterly boundary of the aforesaid Camp Devens Military Reservation, and said point bearing north 6 degrees 40 minutes 47 seconds east and being 101.06 feet distant from station 1314+79.63 of the base line of said railroad right-of-way; thence following said railroad location line southwesterly by a curve to the left, as shown on plan, of 1,951.33 feet radius 5.87 feet; thence south 30 degrees 45 minutes 59 seconds west 151.40 feet, north 59 degrees 14 minutes 1 second west 16.50 feet and south 30 degrees 45 minutes 59 seconds west 85.78 feet; thence leaving said railroad location line and returning westerly by a curve to the right of 2,600.29 feet radius 423.91 feet; thence north 79 degrees 15 minutes 41 seconds west


43 USC io74.