Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/231

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[69 Stat. 189]
[69 Stat. 189]




PUBLIC LAW 106-JUNE 28, 1955

"CHAPTER 2e—REGULATION OF SALE AND USE OF FIREWORKS "Sec. "521. Regulations authorized. "522. Punishment for violations.

"§ 521. Kegulations authorized "The Governor of the Canal Zone is authorized to prescribe, and from time to time alter and amend, regulations prohibiting, limiting, or otherwise regulating the sale and use of any fireworks within the Canal Zone, or any portions thereof, as he may deem necessary to public safety. "§ 522. Punishment for violations "Any person who shall violate any regulation prescribed under authority of the next preceding section shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $100 or by thirty days imprisonment in jail, or by both."' Approved June 28, 1955. Public Law 106


AN ACT To authorize the construction of a building for a Museum of History and Technology for the Smithsonian Institution, including the preparation of plans and specitications, and all other work incidental thereto.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Regents of the Smithsonian Institution are hereby authorized and directed to have prepared drawings and specifications for, and to construct, a suitable building for a Museum of History and Technology (with requisite equipment, approaches, architectural landscape treatment of the grounds, and connections with public utilities and the Federal heating system) for the use of the Smithsonian Institution, to be located on that part of reservation 3 which is bounded by Twelfth Street Northwest on the east. Fourteenth Street Nortliwest on the west, Constitution Avenue on the north, and Madison Drive on the south, title to which is in the United States, at a cost not to exceed $36,000,000. SEC. 2. That the exact location of the building on the site shall be approved by the National Capital Planning Commission, and the design shall be approved by the Commission of Fine Arts. SEC. 3. That the preparation of said drawings and specifications, the design and erection of the building, and all work incidental thereto shall be under the supervision of the Administrator of the General Services Administration in accordance with provisions of the Public Buildings Act of May 25, 1926, as amended. SEC. 4. That there is hereby established a Joint Congressional Committee on Construction of a Building for a Museum of History and Technology for the Smithsonian Institution. I t shall be the duty of the Joint Committee to advise with the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution during the planning and construction of such building. The Joint Committee shall be composed of ten members as follows: Five Senators appointed by the President of the Senate, three of whom shall be the Senate members of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution; five Representatives appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, three of whom shall be the Representative members of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. The Joint Committee shall from time to time, but at least once annually, submit to the Congress a report on the

June 28, 1955 [H. R. 6410]

Smithsonian Institution. Museum of H i s to r y an d T e chnology. Construction authority.

Approval of s i t e and d e s i g n.

Joint Congressional Committee,

Report s to Con» gre s s.