Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/355

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[69 Stat. 313]
[69 Stat. 313]

69 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 157-JULY 13, 1955


deserters, prisoners, and members of the A i r Force absent without leave, including payment of rewards (not to exceed $25 in any one case); confinement of military prisoners in nonmilitary facilities; and donations of not to exceed $25 to each civilian prisoner upon each release from a military prison, to each enlisted man discharged otherwise than honorably upon each release from confinement under courtmartial sentence, and to each person discharged for fraudulent enlistment; $3,680,650,000. RESERVE PERSONNEL

For pay, allowances, clothing, subsistence, and travel for personnel of the Air Force Reserve and the Air Reserve Officers' Training Corps, while on active duty undergoing Reserve training or while performing drills or equivalent duty, as authorized by law; and the procurement and issue of uniforms to institutions necessary for the training of the A i r Reserve Officers' Training Corps, as authorized by law; $43,563,000. A I R NATIONAL GUARD

For pay, allowances, clothing, subsistence, transportation (including mileage, actual and necessary expenses, or per diem in lieu thereof), medical and hospital treatment and related expenses, for members of the A i r National Guard while undergoing Reserve training or while performing drills or equivalent duty, including officers on duty under sections 5 and 81, National Defense Act, as amended, and io^^*c**38-^°3^2 section 252 of the Armed Forces Reserve Act of 1952 (50 U.S.C. 1003), use 66, iri-iVe. as authorized by law; travel expenses (other than mileage) on the so tree looi. same basis as authorized by law for A i r National Guard personnel on active Federal duty, of A i r National Guard commanders while inspecting units in compliance with National Guard regulations when specifically authorized by the Chief, National Guard Bureau; establishment, maintenance, operation, repair, and other necessary expenses of facilities for the training and administration of the Air National Guard, including construction of facilities, and additions, extensions, alterations, improvements, and rehabilitation of existing facilities, as authorized by the Act of September 11, 1950 (Public Law 783); f^^^sc'slfnote. maintenance, operation, and modification of aircraft; transportation of things; purchase and hire of passenger motor vehicles; procurement and issue to the A i r National Guard of the several States, Territories, and the District of Columbia of supplies, materials, and equipment, as authorized by law; and expenses incident to the maintenance and use of supplies, materials, and equipment, including such as may be furnished from stocks under the control of agencies of the Department of Defense; $192,191,000: Provided, That the number of caretakers authorized to be employed under the provisions of law (32 U.S.C. 42) may be such as is deemed necessary by the Secretary ^^^ ^'34.^°*' '^ of the Air Force. REDUCTION S I N AprROPRiATioNS


The amount available in the Air Force Stock Fund is hereby reduced by $300,000,000, such sum to be covered into the Treasury immediately upon approval of this Act.