Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/69

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[69 Stat. 27]
[69 Stat. 27]



PUBLIC LAW 2 2 - A P R. «, 1965


for the purpose of obtaining service credit in accordance with the provisions of section 852(a)(2) of the Foreign Service Act of 1946 for periods of active military or naval service in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, or Coast Guard of the United States shall be refunded. Such refund shall not include any interest covering the period such special contribution, or any part thereof, was on deposit in the fund. SEC. 9. (a) Section 853 of such Act is amended by striking out the ^^ ^^ ^°^^' period at the end of the first sentence thereof and adding the following clause: ", but no such extra credit for service at such unhealthful posts shall be credited to any participant who shall have been paid a salary differential in accordance with section 443, as amended, for such service performed subsequent to the date of enactment of the Foreign Service Act Amendments of 1955." (b) Section 853 is further amended by striking out the last sentence of that section. SEC. 10. (a) Section 901(2) of such Act is amended by striking out ^2 USC 1131. the phrase "his post of assignment" at the end of paragraph (ii) of that section and substituting in lieu thereof the phrase "any post of assignment abroad or at a post of assignment in the continental United States between assignments to posts abroad". (b) Section 901(2) is further amended by adding at the end thereof a new paragraph (iv) which shall read as follows: "(iv) that extraordinary and necessary expenses, not other- depej^dentV.*"^^ wise compensated for, must be incurred by an oiSicer or employee of the Service, by reason of his service abroad, in providing for adequate elementary and secondary education for his dependents; allowances under this subparagraph for any post shall not exceed the cost of obtaining such educational services as are ordinarily provided without charge by the public schools of the United States plus, in those cases where adequate schools are not available at the post, board and room, and periodic transportation between the post and the nearest locality where adequate schools are available; if any such oiRcer or employee employs a less expensive method of providing such education, any allowance paid to him shall be reduced accordingly; no allowance shall be paid under this subparagraph for a dependent for whom a travel allowance has been paid under section 911(9); ". SEC. 11. Section 911 of such Act is amended by changing the period ^^ use use. in paragraph (8^ to a semicolon and by adding at the end of the section the following new paragraph: "(9) the travel expenses incurred by an officer or employee of the Service who is assigned to a foreign post, in transporting dependents to and from United States ports of entry designated by the Secretary,, to obtain an American secondary or college education, not to exceed one trip each way for each dependent for the purpose of obtaining each type of education." SEC. 12. Section 943 of such Act is amended by adding the phrase 22 USC 1158. ", and their dependents" after the words "United States and oefwe the comma, and again at the end of the section immediately before the period. SEC. 13. Sections 432(c), 804, and 864 of such Act are amended IQM. Yio?. ®®^' respectively as follows: (1) Section 432(c) is amended by striking out the phrase "or 634" in the third sentence thereof. (2) Section 804 is amended by striking out "633,". (3) Section 864 is amended by striking out "634 (b) " at the end of the section and inserting "634 (c) " in lieu thereof.