Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/74

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[69 Stat. 32]
[69 Stat. 32]


68 Stat. 1221, 837.

22 USC 1831.

PUBLIC LAW 24-APR. 22, 1955

[69 S T A T,

expanded program of technical assistance", for United States contributions during the period ending June 30, 1955, $6,500,000. The sums provided in the foregoing paragraphs shall be derived by transfer from the appropriation contained in Public Law 778, Eighty-third Congress, for assistance authorized by section 121 of Public Law 665, Eighty-third Congress. INDEPENDENT OFFICES EXPORT-IMPORT B A N K OF WASHINGTON LIMrrATION ON EXPENSES

68 Stat. 150.

The limitation under this head in the Export-Import Bank of Washington and Reconstruction Finance Corporation Appropriation ^^p^^ 1955, on the amount available for administrative expenses is increased from "$1,070,000" to "$1,125,000". CHAPTER V INDEPENDENT OFFICES FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSIONS A L A R I E S AND EXPENSES

For an additional amount for "Salaries and expenses", $85,000. FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION SALARIES AND EXPENSES

68 Stat. 279.

For an additional amount for "Salaries and expenses", $100,000; and the limitation under this head in the Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1955, on the amount available for travel expenses is increased from "$220,000" to "$230,000". GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES, GENERAL SUPPLY FUND

For an additional amount for "Expenses, general supply fund", $200,000, to be derived by transfer from "Defense public works, community facilities". NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS SALARIES AND EXPENSES

For an additional amount for "Salaries and expenses", $240,000. SOO LOCKS CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION COMMISSION

60 Stat. 810.

For necessary expenses of the Commission in preparing, in accordance with the provisions of the Act of August 19, 1949 (63 Stat. 620), a comprehensive plan for the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the building of the Soo Locks, including services as author^2.ed by section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946 (5 U.S.C. 55a), at rates not to exceed $50 per diem for individuals, and transportation and not to exceed $20 per diem in lieu of subsistence for members serving without compensation, $15,000, to remain available until June 30, 1956.