Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 7.djvu/13

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INDIAN TREATIES. 3 No one of the powers of Europe gave its full assent to this principle more une uivocally than England. The documents upon this subject are ample and complete. So early as the year 1496, her monarch granted a commission to the‘Cabots to discover countries then unknown to Cluistian people, and to take possession of them in the name of the king of England. Two years afterwards, Cabot proceeded on this voyage, and discovered the continent of North America, along which he sailed as far south as Vi 'nia. To this discove the English trace their title. In l-his first effort made by lhs English government to acquire territory on this continent, we perceive a complete recognition of the principle which has been mentioned. The right of discovery given by this commission is confined to countries “tben unknown to al Christian people ;" and of those countries Cabot was empowered to take possession in the name of the king of England. Thus asserting a right to take possession notwithstanding the occupanc of the natives, who were heathens, and, at the same time, admitting the prior title of any Christian people who ma have made a previous discovery. The same principle continued to be recognised. The charter granted to Sir Humphrey Gilbert, in 1578, authorizes him to discover and take possession of such remote, heathen, and barbarous lands as were not actually possessed by any Christian prince or people. This charter was afterwards renewed to Sir Walter Raleigh, in nearly the same terms. By the charter of 1606, under which the first permanent English settlement on this continent was made, James I. granted to sir Thomas Gates and others, those territories in America lying on the sea—coast, between the 34th and 45th degrees of north latitude, and which either belonged to that monarch, or were not then possessed by any other Christian prince or people. The grantees were divided into two companies at their own request. The first, or southern colony, was directed to settle between the 34th and 41st degrees of north latitude; and the second, or northern colony, between the 38th and 45th degrees. In 1609, after some expensive and not very successful attempts at settlement had been made, a new and more enlarged charter was given by the crown to the first colony, in which the king granted to the •* Treasurer and Company of Adventurers of the city of London for the first colony in Virginia," in absolute property, the lands extending along the sea-coast four hundred miles, and into the land throughout from sea to sea. This charter, which is a part of the special verdict in this cause, was annulled, so far as respected the rights of the company, by the judgment of the court of king’s bench on a writ of quo warranto; but the whole effect allowed to this judgment was, to revest in the crown the powers of government, and the title to the lands within its limits. At the solicitation of those who held under the grant to the second or northern colony, a new and more enlarged charter was granted to the duke of Lenox and others, in 1620, who were denominated the Plymouth Company, conveying to them in absolute property all the lands between the 40th and 4St degrees of north latitude. Under this patent, New England has been in a great measure settled. The company conveyed to Henry Rosewell and others, in 1627, that territory which is now Massachusetts; and in 1628, a charter of incorporation, comprehending the powers of government, was granted to the purchasers. Great part of New England was granted by this company, which, at length, divided their remaining lands among themselves; and, in 1635, surrendered their charter to the crown. A patent was granted to Gorges for Maine, which was allotted to him in the division of property. All the grants made by the Plymouth Company, so far as we can learn, have been respected. In pursuance of the same principle, the king, in 1664, granted to the duke of York the country of New England as far