Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 7.djvu/179

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TREATY WITH THE WYANDOTS, ETC. 1817. 169 wot, Nacudseoranauaurayk, Youronurays, Scoutash, Serroymuch, Hoondeshotch, Ishuskeah, Dusharraw, Ondewaus, Duyewtale, Roueyoutacolo, Hoonorowyoutacob, Hownorowduro, N awanaunonelo, Tolhomanona, Chiyamik, T yyeakwheunohale, Aushewhowole, Schowondashres, Mondushawquaw, Tayoudrakele, Giveriahes, Sootreeshuskoh, Suyouturaw, Tiudee, Tahorroshoquaw, Irahkasquaw, Ishoreameusuwat, Curoweyottell, Noriyettete, Siyarech, Testeatete. The thirty thousand acres for the Senecas upon the Sandusky river, Division of the is to be equally divided among the following persons, namely: Syuwa- l;“d§€"°"*°d*° sautau, Nawwene, Joseph, Iseumetaugh or Picking up a club, Oraw- t ° b°n°°°°' haotodie or Turn over, Saudaurous or Split the river, Tahowtoorains or Jo Smee, Ispomduare Yellow-bay, Dashowrowramou or Drifting sand, Hauautounasquas, Hamyautuhow, Tahocayn, Howdautauyeao or King George, Standing Bones, Cyahaga or Fisher, Suthemoore, Red Skin, Mentauteehoore, Hyanashraman or Knife in his hand, Running About, John Smith, Carrying the Basket, Cauwauay or Striking, Rewauyeato or Carrying the news, Half up the Hill, Trowyoudoys or G. Hunter, Spike Buck, Caugooshow or Clearing up, Mark on his Hip, Captain Hams, Isetaune or Crying often, Taunerowyea or Two companies, Haudonwauays or Stripping the river, Isohauhasay or Tall chief, Tahowmandoyou, Howyouway or Paddling, Clouding up, Youwautowtoyou or Burnt his body, Shetouyouwee or Sweet foot, Tauhaugainstoany or Holding his hand about, Oharrawtodee or Turning over, Haucaumarout, Sarrowsauismatare or Striking sword, Sadudeto, Oshoutoy or Burning berry, Hard Hickery, Curetscetau, Youronocay or Isaac, Youtradowwonlee, Newtauyaro, Tayouonte or Old foot, Tauosanetee, Syunout or Give it to her, Doonstough or hunch on his forehead, Tyaudusout or Joshua Hendricks, Taushaushaurow or Cross the arms, Henry, Youwaydauyea or the Island, Armstrong, Shake the Ground, His Neck Down, Youheno, Towotoyoudo or Locking at her, Captain Smith, Tobacco, Standing Stone, Ronunaise or Wiping stick, Tarsdu— hatse or Large bones, Hamanchagave, House Fly or Maggot, Roudouma or Sap running, Big Belt, Cat Bone, Sammy, Taongauats or Round the point, Ramuye or Hold the sky, Mentoududu, Hownotant, Slippery nose, Tauslowquowsay or Twenty wives, Hoogaurow or Mad man, Coffeehouse, Long Hair. The tract of ten miles square at Wapaghkonetta is to be equally Division of the divided among the following persons, namely: The Black Hoof, Pomthe "°°* N W8- or Walker, Piaseka or Wolf, Shemenutu or Snake, Othawakeseka or paghk°"°u°‘ Yellow feather, Penethata or Perry, Chacalaway or the End of the tail, Quitawee or War chief, Sachachewa, Wasewweela, Waseweela or Bright horn, Othawsa or Yellow, Tepetoseka, Caneshemo, Newabetucka, Cawawescucka, thokutchema, Setakosheka, Topee or James Saunders, Meshenewa, Tatiape, Pokechaw, Alawaymotakah, Lalloway or Perry, Wabemee, Nemekoshe, Nenepemeshequa or Cornstalk, Sheshe, Shawabaghke, Naneskaka, Thakoska or David M‘Nair, Skapakake, Shapoquata, Peapakseka, Quaghquona, Quotowame, Nitaskeka, Thakaska or Spy buck, Pekathehseka, Tewaskoota or James Blue Jacket, Calawesa, Quaho, Kaketchheka or W. Perry, Swapee, Peektoo or Davy Baker, Skokapowa or George M‘Dougall, Chepakosa, Shemay or Sam, Chiakoska or Captain Tom, General Wayne, Thaway, Othawee, Weeasesaka or Captain Reed, Lewaytaka, Tegoshea or George, Skekacum— sheka, Wesheshemo, Mawenatcheka, Quashke, Thaswa, Baptieste, Waywalapee, Peshequkame, Chakalakee or Tom, Keywaypee, Egotacumshequa, Wabepee, Aquashequa, Pemotah, Nepaho, Takepee, Toposheka, Lathawanomo, Sowaghkota or Yellow clouds, Meenkesheka, Asheseka, Ochipway, Thapaeka, Chakata, N akacheka, Thathouakata, Paytokothe, Palaske, Shesheloo, Quanaqua, Kalkoo, Toghshena, Capowa, Ethowakosee, Quaquesha, Capea, Thakatcheway, The man going 22 P