Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 7.djvu/188

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178 TREATY WITH THE WYANDOTS, ETC. 1818. Indemnitica- or nation. And the United States hereby guaranty to the individuals Wm fof P¤'°P°*°Y of the said tribe or nation, a full indemnification for any horse or boysés, 3Eg;ubg;°g‘,i_I¤° or other property, which may bt'-! takéil {TORI them by any of their cit]. zens. zens: Provided, the property so stolen cannot be recovered, and that sufficient proof is produced that it was actually stolen by a citizen or citizens of the United States. Treaty emiga. ART. 7. This treaty shall take effect, and be obligatory on the contory when rmi- tracting parties, as soon as the same shall have been ratilied by the

  • 1** · President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of

the Senate. WM. CLARK, AUG. CHOUTEAU. Hrakatou, or the Dry Man, Tehonka, or the Tame Butiiiloe, Hradapaa, or the Eagle’s Bill, Hamoumini, or the Night Walker, Mahraka, or Buck Wheat, Washingteteton, or Mocking Bird’s Bill, Honkadagni, I'II0ntikani, h Wh. un W- d Wagonkedatton, ataonsa, crt 9 ist g in , I-Iradaskamonmini, or the Pipe Bird, Mozatete. Pntongdi, or the Approaching Summer, Done at St. Louis, in the presence of R. Wash, Secretary to the Commission. R, Paul, Col. M. M. C. I. Jn. Ruland, Sub Agent, &c. IIL Graham, Indpm Agent. M. Lewis Clark. L. T. Honore, Indian Interpreter. oseph Bonne, nterpreter. Julius Pescay. Stephen Julian, U. S. Indian Interpreter. James Loper. William P. Cl k. ar To the Indian names are subioined a mark and seal. ARTICLES OF A TREATY Sept. 17, 1818. Made and concluded, at St. Mary’s, in the state ey" Ohio, between pm;,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Lewis Cass and Duncan McArthur, commissioners of the United Jun. 4, 1819. States, with full power and authority to hold conferences, and conclude and sign a treaty or treaties, with all or any ¢y" the tribes or nations of Indians within the boundaries of the state of Ohio, of and concerning all matters interesting to the United States and the said nations of Indians, and the sachems, chiefs, and warrzbrs, of the Wyandot, Seneca, Shawnese, and Ottawas, A“*°¤ P· 16°· tribes of Indians ; being supplementary to the treaty made and concluded with the said tribes, and the Deleware, Potawatamie, Ezétd Chyrplezoy, @bes of cnldzézns, zyt the {203 ry the lgtagytdqiy the Zdmt 0 cz e rie, on 6 wen y-mn ay 0 cp e er, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventeen. The grants in Ama 1. It is agreed, between the United States and the parties herethe “'€“*Y of unto, that the several tracts of land described in the treaty to which 29th Sept._l8l`7, th· · I d d ’ . d mba considered is 1S supp ementary, an agree thereby to be granted by the Umic onlyas reserva· States to the chiefs of the respective tribes named therein, for the use g?':;;°{n$;l;l;° 0I` the individuals of the isaid tribes, and also the tract described in H10 twentieth article of the said trcaty,sha]l not be thus granted, but shall be excepted from the cession made by the said tribes to the United States, reserved for the use of the said Indians, and held by them in the same manner as Indian reservations have been heretofore held. But [it] is further agreed, that the tracts thus reserved shall be reserved for the