Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 7.djvu/254

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244 TREATY WITH THE KANSAS. 1825. Huralu, Wakandaippahobi, Manchuhonga, Saba, Chongaishonga, Naslla Tawangahais, Manchalb Ponkchinga, Mancbauginda. N icohibran . Panimonpahhais, Little 0`mg“‘ Wasissegaistanga, or Big Broom, Ni¤h\1¤¤¤¤i. 0* Walking Rai", Chonjaishengais, Nihuchaisningaiswachinpichais, Wabachequand, Waruhagais, Wastiagais, Mangaischis, Ishtassca, Mances’tpogran, Manchehamani. Nonbaahefl, Hangaquechais, Howasabais, Hanhanmani, Nehuehaisningaischingu, Walutacest, Aquidachinga, Niha, Sanjaiskanha, Wanansonjais, Manpumahi, Vagasidda, Manhinonba, Tawengehe, Khigaiswachinpichais, or Missouri Chief, Paigaismanie, or Big Soldier, Ostiehingais, Tawagahais, or Town Maker, Hasachais, Chongaismonnon, or Dog Thief, Hanha.npac’est, Honiuigo, or Gentleman, Manchaquida, Hinchaacri, Tiessinjais. Wzrxessxs 1>m:s1:1v1·:-R. Wash, Secretary. Edward Coles, Governor of Illinois. A. M·Nair, Osage Agent. Pr. Chouteau. W. B. Alexander, Sub Indian Agent. Theodore Hunt. Cerré. P. L. Chouteau, Sub Agent. L. T. Honorie, Interpreter. F. A. Chardon. Antoine Leclaire, Interpreter. James Coleman. Paul Louise, Interpreter, (Osages.) William Milburn. Noel Dashnuy, Interpreter. Manchangachan. Thepogrenque. To the Indian names are subjoined marks. ARTICLES OF A TREATY rum, 3_ 1825 Made and concluded at the City of Saint Louis, in the State of

 Missouri, betzoeen William Clark, Superintendant of Indian

pw 30, 1825} afazrs, Commissioner on the part of the United States if America, and the undersigned Chiefs, Head Men, and Warriors of the Kansas Nation of Indians, duly authorized and empowered by said Nation. ARTICLE 1. cmion by the _Tr—m Kansas do hereby cede to the. United States all the lands lying Kms8s_ within the State of Missouri, to which the said nation have title or claim; and do further cede and relinquish, to the said United States, all other lands which they now occupy, or to which they have title or claim, lying West of the said State of Missouri, and within the following boundaries: beginning at the entrance of the Kansas river into the Missouri river; from thence North to the N orth-West corner of the State of Missouri; from thence Westwardly to the Nodewa river, thirty miles from its entrance into the Missouri; from thence to the entrance of the big N emahaw river into the Missouri, and with that river to its source; from thence to the source of the Kansas river, leaving the old village of the Pania Republic to the West; from thence, on the ridge dividing the waters of the Kansas river from those of the Arkansas, to the Western boundary of the State line of Missouri, and with that line, thirty miles, to the place of beginning.