Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 7.djvu/282

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27*2 TREATY WITH THE SIOUX, ETC. 1825. In presence of Archibald Gamble, Secretary. Jos. G. Brown. Surveyor. W. S. Williams, Interpreter. Stephen Cooper, Daniel T. Bahon, Benjamin Robertson, David Murphy, Singleton Vaughn, John M. Walker, Andrew Broaddies, Benjamin Jones, Hendley Cooper, James Wells, Joseph R. Walker, Samuel Givens, James Brotherton, Harvy Clark. To the Indian names are suhioinsd a mark and seul. TREATY A,,g_ ,9, me With the Siam; and Chippewa, Saos and Fox, Men0minie,'Ioway, ‘r—‘?" Sioux, Winnebago, and a portion of the Ottawa, Clzqzpewa, F1;i>(icd?Tdi2n’ and Potawattomie, Tribes. Tim United States of America have seen with much regret, that wars have for many years been carried on between the Sioux and the Chippewas, and more recently between the confederated tribes of Sacs and Foxes, and the Sioux; and also between the Ioways and Sioux; which, if not terminated, may extend to the other tribes, and involve the Indians upon the Missouri, the Mississippi, and the Lakes, in general hostilities. In order, therefore, to promote peace among these tribes, and to establish boundaries among them and the other tribes who live in their vicinity, and thereby to remove all causes of future difficulty, the United States have invited the Chippewa, Sac, and Fox, Menominie, Ioway, Sioux, Winnebago, and a portion of the Ottowa, Chippewa, and Potawatomie Tribes of Indians living upon the Illinois, to assemble together, and in a spirit of mutual conciliation to accomplish these objects; and to aid therein, have appointed William Clark and Lewis Cass, Commissioners on their part, who have met the Chiefs, Warriors, and Representatives of the said tribes, and portion of tribes, at Prairie des Chiens, in the Territory of Michigan, and after full deliberation, the said tribes, and portions of tribes, have agreed with the United States, and with one another, upon the following articles: ARTICLE 1. Firm and per- There shall be a firm and perpetual peace between the Sioux and P¤¤¤¤l P¤¤<>¤· Chippewas; between the Sioux and the confederated tribes of Sacs and Foxes; and between the Ioways and the Sioux. ARTICLE 2. Lim, b,,,,,,,,,, It is agreed between the confederated Tribes of the Sacs and Foxes, the respective and the Sioux, that the Line between their respective countries shall be °°“"m°°· as follows: Commencing at the mouth of the Upper Ioway River, on the west bank of the Mississippi, and ascending the said Ioway river, to its left fork; thence up that fork to its source; thence crossing the fork of Red Cedar River, in a direct line to the second or upper fork of the Desmoines river; and thence in a direct line to the lower fork of the Calumet river; and down that river to its juncture with the Missouri river. But the Yancton band of the Sioux tribe, being principally interested in the establishment of the line from the Forks of the Desmoines to the Missouri, and not being sufficiently represented to render the definitive establishment of that line proper, it is expressly declared that the line from the forks of the Desmoines to the forks of the Calumet river, and down that river to the Missouri, is not to be considered as settled until the assent of the Yancton band shall be given thereto. And if the said band should refuse their assent, the arrange-