Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 7.djvu/312

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302 TREATY WITH THE MIAMIES. 1826. In testimony whereof, the said Lewis Cass, James B. Ray, and John Tipton, Commissioners as aforesaid, and the Chiefs and Warriors of the said Miami tribe, have hereunto set their hands, at the Wabash, on the twenty-third day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six, and of the Independence of the United States the fifty-first. LEWIS CASS, J. BROWN RAY, JOHN TIPTON. Chiefs. Pun-ge·she-nan, Wau—wa-aus-see, W°¤s°jP°‘“¤• _ Flat Belly, Francois Codfroy, Lu Gros, Joseph Richardville, White Raccoon, Francis Lafontaine, Black Loon, Wau'n°'Sf’¤ Sceki White Skm’s Son, or the Poplar, Mee-se-qua, Cha'Pin°» N0m_wcn_s,,vS SOD, Pe·che-wau, or Jean B. Richardville, La-from-broise, €l:;*‘%°‘m°'Sh°"# _ i e un, 1QYf§Q° kaup-wa, W. Shin—gan-lean, Mem-sa-nes, L¤¤iS G¤dfr<>y, Little Beaver, 0u'sam"d‘*"*'J¤ Black Raccoon, M°·cha¤°'[lu¤» Chin-quin-sa, Un‘°‘°°**’S**» James Abbot, Sh·?·<1¤=¤·h¤¤. L0,,_gw,,, Chrn·qua-keau, Lima Wolf; Charley’s Son. Done in presence of William Marshall, Sec’y to the Commission. J. M. Ray, Assist. Sec’y to Commission. Ben. V. Kercheval, Sub Agent. Wm. Conner, Interpreter. Joseph Barron. C. W. Ewing. J. B. Boure, Interpreter. James Foster. John Ewing, Senator, State of Indiana. James Gregory, Senator, State of lnd. Martin M. Ray, Representative, Ind. Sam. Hanna, Representative, Ind. George Hunt. 0. L- Clark. To the Indian names are subjoined marks. Schedule of grants rjerred to in the foregoing Treaty, Article 3d. To John B. Richardville, one section of land, between the mouth of Pipe Creek and the mouth of Eel River, on the north side of the Wabash, and one section on the north-west side of the St. Joseph, adjoining the old boundary line; also, one half section on the east side of the St. Joseph’s, below Cha-po-tee’s village. To John B. Boure, one section on the north side of the St. Joseph, including Chop-patees village. To the wife and children of Charley, a Miami chief, one section where they live. T0 Ann Hackley and Jack Hackley, one section each, between the Maumee and the St. Joseph’s rivers. To the children of Maria Christiana De Rome, a half blood Miami, one section between the Maumee and the St. J oseph’s. To Ann_Turner, alias Hackley, Rebecca Hackley, and Jane S. Wells, each one half section of land, to be located under the direction of the President of the United States. To John B. Richardville, one section of land upon the north side of the Wabash, to include a large spring nearly opposite the mouth of Pipe Creek.