Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 7.djvu/325

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TREATY WITH THE WINNEBAGOES, ETC. 1828, 315 was ratified. You will have the goodness to cause the same to be attached to the Treaty, and published with it. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, SAM’L. L. SOUTHARD. Couucrr. Room, WILLIAMSON’S HOTEL, Washington, May 31st, 1828. To the SECRETARY os WAR, Washington City : Sm: The undersigned, Chiefs of the Cherokee Nation, West of the Mississippi, for and in behalf of said Nation, hereby agree to, and accept ot, the terms upon which the Senate of the United States ratified the Convention, concluded at Washington on the sixth day of May, 1828, between the United States and said Nation. In testimony whereof, they hereunto subscribe their names and affix their seals. Thomas Graves, Thomas Maw, George Marvis, John Rogers. George Guess, Signed and sealed in the presence of Thomas Murray. James Rogers, Interpreter. E. W. Duval, U. S. Agent, &c. To the Indian names are subjoined a mark and seal. [Nora.-This treaty was ratified with the following proviso, expressed in the resolution of the Senate: “Provided, nevertheless, that the said Convention shall not be so construed as to extend the Northern Boundary of the ‘ Perpetual Outlet West,’ provided for and guaranteed in the second article of said Convention, North of the thirty sixth de ree of North latitude, or so as to interfere with the lands assigned, or to be assigned, Wist of the Mississippi River, to the Creek Indians who have emigrated, or may emigrate, from the States of Georgia and Alabama, under the provisions of any Treaty or Treaties heretofore concluded between the United States and the Creek tribe of Indians; and provided further, That nothing in the said Convention shall be construed to cede or assignto the Cherokees any lands heretofore ceded or assigned to any tribe or tribes of Indians, by any Treaty now existing and in force, with any such tribe or tribes."] ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT With the Vlhnnebago Tribe and the United Tribes of Potawata- Aug_25, 1828_ mic, Chippewa and Ottawa Indians. I _ _ _ , Jan. 7, 1829. THE Government of the United States having appointed Comm1s— Preamble_ sioners to treat with the Sac, Fox, Winebago, Potawatamie,_Ottawa, and Chippewa, tribes of Indians, for the purpose of extinguishing their title to land within the State of Illinois, and the Territory of Michigan, situated between the Illinois river and the Lead Mines on Fever River, and in the vicinity of said Lead Mines, and for other purposes; and it having been found impracticable, in consequence of the lateness of the period when the instructions were issued, the extent of the country occupied by the Indians, and their dispersed situation, to convene them in sufficient numbers to justify a cession of land on their part; and the Chiefs of the Winnebago tribe, and of the united tribes of the Rotawatamies, Chippewas, and Ottawas, assembled at Green Bay, having de-