Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 7.djvu/457

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TREATY WITH THE CHIPPEWAS, ETC. 1833. 447 northwest corner of said State; then along the northern boundary line of the said State of Missouri, till it strikes the line of the lands of the Sac and Fox Indians; thence northwardly along said line to a point from which a west line would strike the sources of the Little Sioux river; thence along said west line, till it strikes the said sources of said river; then down said river to its mouth; thence down the Missouri river, to the place of beginning: Provided the said boundary shall contain live million of acres; but should it contain more, then said boundaries are to be reduced so as to contain the said five millions of acres. And, in consideration of the alteration of said boundary we ask that ten thousand dollars should be paid to such commissioner, as shall be designated by us to receive the same west of the Mississippi river, at such place on the tract of country ceded to the said united nation as we may designate, and to be applied, as we may direct for the use and benefit of the said nation. And the further sum of two thousand dollars to be paid to Gholson Kercheval, of Chicago, Ill : for services rendered the said united nation of Indians during the late war, between the U. S. Government and the Sacs and Foxes; and the further sum of one thousand dollars to George E. Walker for services rendered the said United nation, in bringing Indian prisoners, from west of the Mississippi river to Ottawa, Laselle county, Ill. for whose appearance at the circuit court of said county, the said nation was bound. The foregoing propositions are made with the expectation, that with the exception of the alteration in the proposed boundary, and the indemnity herein demanded as an equivalent for said exchange, the whole of the treaty made and concluded at this place on the 26th and 27th days of September 1833, be ratified as made and concluded at that time, within the space of five months from the present date ; otherwise it is our wish that the whole of the said treaty should be considered as cancelled. In witness whereofQ we, the undersigned chiefs of the said united nation of Chippewa, Ottowa and Potawatamio Indians, being specially delegated with power and authority to effect this negotiation, have hereto set our hands and seals at Chicago in the State of Illinois, on the first day of October, A. D., 1834. R. Caldwell, Ob-ee·tah-kee-zhik, Kee-tshee-zhing-ee-beh, Wau·bon-see, Tshee-tshee-beeng-guay, Kay-kot-ee-mo. Joseph, In presence of Richd. J. Hamilton. Jno. H. Kinzie. Dr. G. Maxwell, U. S. Army. J. Grant, jr. E. M. Owen. J. M. Baxley, Capt. 5th Infy. To the Indian names are subjoined a mark and seal. [No·rr:.—'I‘his Treaty and the Supplementary Articles thereto, were ratified and Sec Trgaty, confirmed, upon the conditions expressed in the two Resolutions of the Senate in rela- amc, page 433_ lion to the same; which conditions as contained in the first named resolution, are as ollowsa " That the Senate do advise and consent to the ratification of the Treaty, made on the 26th day of September 1833, at Chicago, b George B. Porter and others, Cornmissioners on behalf of the United States, and the United Nation of Chippewas, Ottowas, and Pottawatamies Indians, and the supplementary articles thereto, dated on the 27th day of September, 1833, with the following amendments and provisions, to wit. lst: amend the third article in Schedule A, by striking out the word " ten" and inserting the word jive as to each of the sums to be paid to Billy Caldwell and Alexander Robinson; so that the sum of five thousand dollars only will be paid to each of them, and the sum often thousand dollars, thus deducted, to be paid to the Ind1ans.—2d. All the debts, mentioned in schedule B, in the same article, and which are specified in exhibit E, to the report of the committee, to be examined by a commissioner to_b_e appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate, and the individuals to be paid only the sums found by said commissioner, to have been justly due ; in no instance increasing the sum a reed to be paid; and whatever sum_is saved by deduction or disallowance of the dibts in exhibit E, to be paid to the Indians, and the residue to the claimants respectively. 3d. Strike out article 5th in the treaty. fith: Strike out article 4th in the supplementary articles: and provided, that the lands given