Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 7.djvu/469

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TREATY WITH THE MIAMIES. 1834. 459 to be by them furnished said agent, stating as far as practicable for what contracted and to whom due-the said agent shall as soon as practicable -after the said money comes into his hands, pay it over, in a just proportion agreeable to their respective claims, to the creditors of said tribe as specefied in said schedule furnished him, and should any balance remain in his hands after paying the debts as speceiied in the schedule, the same shall be paid over to the tribe for their use and benefit. Aivrrcma 3d. From the cession made in the first article of this treaty, Grants to perthere shall be granted to each of the persons named in the schedule “°¤S "’~‘m°d*¤ hereunto annexed and to their heirs and assigns by patent from the ;;;°;°3l°l° °“' President of the United States. ` Amicus 4th. It is agreed between the parties to this treaty that a Patent toissuc patent in fee simple——shall be issued by the President of the United to J·,B- Rich- States, to John B. Richardville principal chief of the Miami nation for "d"u°‘ areserve of ten sections at the Forks of the Wabash, made to said tribe by treaty of 23d October 1826, he having an Indian title to the Ante, p. 300. same. Anrrcms 5th. The United States agree to furnish a skilful miller to Millar. snperintend a mill for the Miami tribe in lieu of the gunsmith, promised A”*°» P- 191- by the fifth article of the treaty of St. Mary’s of 1818. Aarrcna 6th. The United States agree to have the buildings and Buildings, &.c. improvements on the lands ceded by the first article of this treaty valued, *° be "°l“°d· to cause a similar amount in value laid out in buildings, clearing and fencing ground for the use of the Indians, on such place or places as their chiefs—may select. Anrrcm 7th. The United States agree to purchase from Met-chin- U.S. agree to equea two sections of land granted to him by treaty of Wabash of 1826 l’“'§h”°°°"““” at the old town on Eel river for which he shall be paid sixteen hundred an ‘ dollars-on his making to the United States a good and sufficient deed for the same. Arvrrcrne 8th. The United States agree that the Indians———have peace- Indians to have able possession of their houses and improvements on the lands ceded in P°ii°¤§;°¤» &»°· the first article of this treaty—until the improvements are made in pur- im I ’ °' suance of the sixth article. Arzrrcnn 9th. The United States agree to pay one thousand dollars— Payment for out of the two thousand granted by the sixth article of the treaty of E‘:;’:‘{;‘d?;n;“‘ Wabash of 1826 to the principal chief of the nation to be by him ex- Am_c,p_3(j;_ pended-in support of the poor and infirm persons of the tribe under the direction of the President of the United States. Amucnrz 10th. The United States agree to furnish implements of I¤{vlim6¤t¤ cf agriculture in pursuance of the fifth article of the treaty of St. Mary’s °*`i£,°ig]l;l°;g1_ of 1818—when applied for-the same never being furnished. Arvrrchs 11th. The United States agree to pay the Miami Indians for Payment for Such horses and goods as were actually stollen from them by citizens of hgzzsggin the United States. g i Aarrcm 12th. The United States agree to pay the Miami Indians Further pay- three hundred sixty dollars yearly-in lieu of the eight labourers to be mxgig P_ Bm furnished yearly—by the treaty of Wabash of 1826. ' Arvrrcu: 13th. It is agreed that the President of the United States- U. S. to prouses his induence, to procure, from the State of indiar1a·-a relinquish- g‘;§h*:n;i1:“,;f ment——of the six chains, granted for the use of a canal; at the treaty, mmm, pwd_ of Wabash, of 1826, so far as the same passes through the ten sections Ante, p. 300. at the Forks of the Wabash; except so much as is necessary for the actual occupancy of the canal and road.