Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 7.djvu/480

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470 TREATY WITH THE CADDOES. 1835. for them, and to furnish them either goods, farming utensils or other articles necessary for them, agreeably to the provisions of the fifth article of the treaty of October twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and thirty-two. gggorobepuid Am. 4. The United States further stipulate to pay to·the above i¤ %¤<><·l¤· named chief, and head men and their bands, the sum of six hundred and eighty dollars in goods, at the signing of this treaty, and the further sum of six hundred dollars in cash at the payment of their annuities in 1835, the receipt of which former sum of (six hundred and erghty dollars in goods) is hereby acknowledged. Treaty binding Am. 5. This treaty shall be binding upon both parties, from the date ‘”l‘°“ "‘“E°d· of its ratification by the Senate of the United States. IN ·ras·rmoNY wnaaaor the said William Marshall, Commissioner on the part of the United States, and the above named chief and head men, for themselves and their bands, have hereunto subscribed their names, the day and year above written. WILLIANI MARSHALL. M0-ta, Aw-sho·kish-ko-quah, Ta-puck-koo-nee-nee, Pash-kum-ma-ko-quah, Shah-yauc·koo-pay, Me-naun-quah, To-tauk-gaus, Pee-nas-quah, Poke-kee-to, Mee—shah-ke-to-quah, Waus-no-guen, Waw-pe·shah-me-to-quah, Ship·pe-she-waw-no, Mat-che-ke-no-quah, Mtaw·mah, Wau-waus-sa-mo-quah, Ship·pe-shick-quah, Saw-moke-quaw. Wr·r·1srnssrzs-.l. B. Duret, Secty. to Comr. Jesse Vermilya. Joseph Barron, Interpreter. To the indian names are subjoined marks. ARTICLES OF A TREATY My1’1835_ Made the Agency-house in the Caddo nation and State of $ Lonmana,on the jirst clay of July in the year ey" our Lord one F,,b_2, 1836_ ’ thousand eight hundred and thirtyyive, between Jehiel Brooks, Commissioner on the part of the United States,and the Chiqh, head men, and Warriors of the Caddo nation of Indians. Lands ceded Arvrrcnn I. The chiefs, head men, and warriors of the said nation to the U.S. agree to cede and relinquish to the United States all their land contained in the following boundaries: to wit- Bmmdmel Bounded on the west by the north and south line which separates the said United States from the Republic of Mexico between the Sabine and Red rivers wheresoever the same shall be defined and acknowledged to be by the two governments. On the north and east by the Red river from the point where the said north and south boundary line shall intersect the Red river whether it be in the Territory of Arkansas or the State of Louisiana,following the meanders of the said river down to its junction with the Pascagoula bayou. On the south by the said Pascagoula. bayou to its junction with the Bayou Pierre,by said bayou to its junction with Bayou Wallac·e,by said bayou and Lake Vlfallace to