Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 7.djvu/5

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L I S T OF THE TREATIES BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES Ama THE INDIAN TRIBES. Ba General principles recognised by the Supreme Court of the United States in relation to the Indian tribes,&o. ... .. . . .. .. . ... 1 Treaty w·itbtbeDeleware¤. Sept. 17, 1778.."... . 13 SixNa.tionn. Oet.22, 1784... .. ... 15 Wymdots, Delnwares, Chippewa, and Ottawa. Jan. 21, 1785 . . . . . . .. . 16 Cherokees. Nov. 28, 1785 . 18 Choctaw:. Jan. 3, 1786 ... 21 Chiekasaws. Jan. 10, 1786. . . . ... . . ... 24 Shawnee;. Jan. 31, 1786 . . ... . . . . . 26 Wynudots, Delawues, Ottnwas, CUPPWN. Pottuwatimios, and Secs. Jan., 9, 1789 . .. . . . .. .. .. 28 Six Nations. Jun. 9, 1789 . ... . ... . ... 33 Creeks. Aug. 7, 1790 . . . . 35 Cherokeee. July 2, 1791 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Additional article to the treaty with the Cherokees of July 2, 1791. Feb. 17, 1792 . . . 42 Treaty with theChernkees. June 26, 1794.." , 43 SixN¤.tious. Nov. 11, 1794.. . . .. . 44 Oneidne, Tuscaroru, aud Stockbridgos. Dec. 2, 1794 . . . . . . . . . . 47 Wyandots, Deluwares, Shawnees, Ottnwas, Chippewas, Pottawetimies, Miemies, Eel.Rivers, Weas, Kickupoua, Pinnkeshnws, and Kaskukius. Aug. 3, 1795.. . ... . .. . . 49 Seven Nations of Canada. May 31, 1796 ... . 55 Creeks. Juue29, 1796 . .. . ... 56 Relinquiehment, by the fgsphnwks, of all claim to land in the State of New York. March 99, 1 TreatywitbtheCherokeee. 0ct.2, 1798 . .. . .. 62 Chickuuws. 0ct.94, 1801.. . . . . .. 65 Choctnws. Dec. 17, 1801 .. .. . 66 Creeks. June 16, 1802 ... ... .. .. . . . 68 Indenture withtheSeneen¤. Jrme30, 1802 . ... ... . 70 'I‘reatywiththeSenecas. Juue30, 1802 . ... . .. 72 Provisional Convention with the Choctaw;. Oct, 17, 1802 ... . . .. . . 73 lll