Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 7.djvu/78

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68 TREATY WITH THE CREEKS. 1802. of the United States of America, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof IN Tnsrimouy wnnmsor, the Commissioners Plenipotentiary of the United States, and the Mingos, principal men and warriors of the Chactaw nation, have hereto subscribed their names and allixed their seals, at Fort Adams, on the Mississippi, this seventeenth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and one, and of the independence of the United States the twenty- sixth. JA. WILKINSON, BENJAMIN HAWKINS, ANDW. PICKENS. Tuskona Hopoia, Il,la tails, Homo, Toota Homo, Hoché Homo, Mingo Homo Massatubby, Tuspena Chaabe, Oak Chumme, Muclusha Hopoia, Mingo Poos,coos, Capputanne Thlucco, Buckshun Nubhy, Robert M·Clure, Shappa Homo, Poosha Homo, Hi,u,pa Homo, Ba ka Lub,be. WITNESSES rnmsmvrz-Alexander Macomb, jun. secretary to the commission; John M*Kee, deputy superintendent and agent to the Chactaws; Henry Gaither, lieutenant colonel commandant; John H. Brull, major second regiment infantry; Bn. Shaumburgh, captain second regiment infantry; Fran. Jones, assistant quarter master general; Benjamin Wilkinson, lieutenant and paymaster third United States regiment; J. B. Walbach, aid de camp to the commanding general; J. Wils0n, lieutenant third regiment infantry; Samuel Jeton, lieutenant second regiment of artillery and engineers; John F. Carmichael, surgeon third regiment United States army. To the Indian names are subjoined a mark and seal. A TREATY OF LIMITS Jamie, 1802. Between the United States of America and the Creek Nation of Proclamation, Indians' Jan. 11, 1803. , _ _ Tuoivras Jmrrnnsou, President of the United States of America, by James Wilkinson, of the state of Maryland, Brigadier General in the army of the United States, Benjamin Hawkins, of North-Carolina, and Andrew Pickens of South-Carolina, Commissioners Plenipotentiary of the United States, on the one part, and the Kings, Chiefs, Head Men and Warriors of the Creek Nation, in council assembled, on the other part, have entered into the following articles and conditions, viz. Cession cfm__ Am·1cLr: I. The Kings, Chiefs, Head men and Warriors of the Creek morym U_3_ nation, in behalf of the said nation, do by these presents cede to the United States of America, all that tract and tracts ofland, situate, lying and being within and between the following bounds, and the lines and limits of the extinguished claims of the said nation, heretofore ascertained and established by treaty. That is to say-beginning at the upper extremity of the high shoals of the Appalachee river, the same being a branch of the Oconee river, and on the southern bank of the same-—-running thence a direct course to a noted ford of the south branch of Little river, called by the Indians Chat-to-chuc-co hat-chee-— thence a direct line to the main branch of Commissioners creek, where the same is mtersected by the path leading from the rock-landing to the