Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 7.djvu/86

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76 TREATY WITH THE DELAWARES, ETC. 1803. equal in quantity to what may be thus taken shall be given to the said tribes either at the east or the west end of the tract. IN ·rnsrrMoNY wnnrmor, The commissioner of the United States and the chiefs and warriors of the Delawares, Shawanoes, Putawatimies, Miamies and Kickapoos, and those of the Eel River, Weeas, Piankashaws, and Kaskaskias, by their agents land representatives, Tuthinipee, Winnemac, Richerville, and the Little Turtle, who are properly authorised by the said tribes, have hereunto subscribed their names and affixed their seals at Fort Wayne, this seventh day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and three, and of the independence of the United States, the twenty. seventh. WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. Miamiea. Richerville, On behalf of themselves and Eel River, Me-she-kun-nogh-quoh, (or Weeas, Piankashaws and Kaskaskias, whom Little Turtle.) they represent. Mckapoos. Nah-mah-to-hah, (or Standing,) Pas-she-we-hah, (or Cat.) S/rawcmaese. Nealmemsiceb. Pulawalimics. Tuthinipee, On behalf of the Putawatimies and Eel River, Weeas, Winnemac. g Piankashaws and Kaskaskias, whom they represent. Wannangsea or Five Meddals, Kee—saas, (or Sun,) Delaware:. Teta Buxike, Hockingpomskenn, Bu-kon-ige-helas, Kechkawhanund. Shawanoese. Cu-tbe··we-ka-saw, or Black Hoof, Methawnasice. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of, J no. Rice Jones, Secretary to the Commissioner. Jno. Gibson, Secretary Indiana Territory. Tho. Pasteur, Capt. first regt. Infantry. William Wells, Interpreter. Jno. Johnston, U. S. Factor. Hendrick Aupaumut, Chief of Muhhecon. Thomas Freeman. The proceedings at the within treaty were faithfully interpreted by us, John Gibson and William Wells; that is, for the Delawares, John Gibson, and for the rest of the tribes, William Wells. JOHN GIBSON, WILLI.&l\I WELLS. To the Indian names are subjcined a mark and seal.