Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/1543

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[70 Stat. XXXIX]
[70 Stat. XXXIX]




^*se District of Columbia—Continued ^"^* District of Columbia—Continued Licensing and examining boards and Fire Department — C o n t i n u e d commissions, compensation of Residence requirements; leave remembers, etc., authority of comstrictions 646 missioners 532 Freedmen's Hospital. See under Health, Education, and Welfare, D e part Lorton Reformatory, warehouse conm e n t of. struction authority 692 Gallaudet College— Lucy Webb Hayes National Training School for Deaconesses and MisEmployees, extension of Federal E m sionaries, relief from tax l i a b i l i t y.. 83 ployees Group Life Insurance to_ 955 Meetings, funds available for a t t e n d Payment for students a t t e n d i n g 180, 428 ance 453 General Administration, Department of, appropriation for 183, 440, 690 Metropolitan Police— General fund, sums payable from 13, Appropriation for 173, 184, 442, 691 174, 439, 693, 773 Authorized strength, increase 148 General Hospital, capital outlay for Detail to Capitol buildings and construction, appropriation for 692 grounds 363 General provisions, Appropriation Act- _ 452 Inaugural ceremonies, appropriation Highway fund— for additional services for 443 Advances to 439 Medals for meritorious service 627 Bureau of Public R o a d s, appropriaP a y periods 338 tion for reimbursement for underPolicemen's relief, appropriation for__ 440 pass 764 Residence requirements 646 Highway-railroad grade separations, M o to r Vehicle Parking Agency, a p p r o appropriation authorized for conpriation for 447 struction, etc 578 Motor vehicle parking fund, sums p a y Sums payable from 173, 184, able from 439, 440, 441, 443, 447, 691 439, 440, 443, 446, 447, 449, 450, 691 Motor vehicles— Highways, Department of— Direction and control 453 Appropriation for 174, 184, 446, 450, 692 Registration fees, transfer of vehicles. 102 Payment of construction and mainteNational Capital Housing Authority. nance costs 638 See under Housing. Hospital facilities, appropriation for National Capital parks, appropriation liquidation of contract authorizafor 184, 271, 448 tion 343 National Capital Planning CommisHospital T r e a t m e n t for D r u g Addicts sion— Act 609 Appropriation for 178 I n a u g u r a l ceremonies— Temporary employment of expert, exGrounds or reservations, granting of tension 271 permits to Inaugural CommitNational Capital Regional Planning tee 1049 Council, appropriation for survey Illumination, telegraph, telephone, of transportation needs 271 etc., wires, permits for 1050 National Conference of Commissioners Maintenance of public order and proon Uniform State Laws, appropriatection of life and property, a p tion for support 439 propriation authorized 1049 National Guard. See also separate title. Regulations and licenses; publication Appropriation for 184, 448, 691 of regulations, violations, penCommand i n g general, c o m p e n s a t i o n. 691 alty 1049 Naval family housing construction, deletion of authorization for 1001 Income and Franchise Tax Act of 1947, Naval research laboratory, construcamendments 68-80 tion of facilities authorized 999 International Photographic Exposition, Notaries public, allowance for expenses. 519 free importation for exhibition 147 Occupations and Professions, DepartJudges, tax courts, increase in term, ment of, appropriation for.. 183, 441, 690 retirement provisions 485 Operating expenses, appropriation for.. 13, J u d g m e n t s, appropriation for payment. 174 173, 439, 690 Leifr Ericsson statue, site 922 Overthrow of United States GovernLicenses and Inspections, Department ment, prohibition of employment of of, appropriation for 184, 446 persons advocating 453