Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/1556

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[70 Stat. LII]
[70 Stat. LII]



Government Employees—Continued ^^^^ Citizenship requirements—Continued Canal Zone employees 323, 468 Defense Department — Canal Zone, employees in 468 Nonapplicability 467 Library of Congress, exemptions 368 Claims, recovery of fees, salaries, etc., adjudication by United States district courts 246 Classification Act of 1949, amendments. See separate title. Conflict-of-interest statutes, applicability, e t c - .. 122, 202, 243, 340, 792, 1027 Damage or injury caused by, filing and settlement of claims 60 Detention by enemy, compensation for death or disability after; time extension 619 Experts, consultants, etc., contracts for employment under M u t u a l Security program 560, 561 Federal Bureau of Investigation, prohibition on use of funds for payment of civil-service employees 306 Federal Employees' Compensation Act. See separate title. Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Act of 1954. See separate title. Government-owned quarters, applicability of Budget Bureau Circular A - 4 5; restriction on occupancy requirement 281 Government Security, Commission on, temporary services 634 Group life insurance. See Federal E m ployees' Group Life Insurance Act of 1954. Lighthouse Service, retired pay of certain members, increase 510 Military leave for substitute employees in the postal fielcj service 330 Notaries public, allowance for expenses. 519 Retirement— Civil Service Retirement Act 743 Forfeiture of annuities of certain persons remaining outside United States to avoid prosecution 761 National Guard civilian employees, withholding of deductions for State retirement system 283 Retirement dates for disabled members of uniformed services 933 Senate disapproval of nomination, restriction on payment to persons after 280 Transportation of privately owned m o to r vehicles on privately owned ships 187

INDEX Government Employees—Continued ^»B^ Travel and transportation, living quarters and cost-of-living allowances, funds available 280 Unemployment compensation, appropriation for 51, 425 Veterans, restoration to former p o s i tions 351 War-risk hazards, compensation for injuries or deaths resulting from, time extension 519 Government Organization, President's Advisory Committee on, appropriation for 277 Government Printing Office: Appropriation for 177, 369, 694 Capitalization of building a p p u r t e nances 369 Depository libraries, restriction on supplying unrequested material 369 Deputy Public Printer, salary 739 Electrical improvements and air conditioning, funds available 369 H e a t furnished by Capitol Power Plant, reimbursement 367 Public Printer, salary 738 Revolving fund, availability 369, 694 Uniform allowances, funds available 369 Government Security, Commission on: Appropriation for 164, 685 Final report to President and Congress. 634 Temporary employment 634 Termination 634 Government s, C e n s u s of, appropriation for 314 Grain Standards Act, United States, Amendment, penalty for false certificate of grade, etc 780 Grand Canyon National Park, Ariz., funds available for school facilities 262 Grand Coulee Dam, funds available for lighting spillway 476 Grand Forks Air Force Base, N. Dak., construction of facilities authorized. _ 1002 Grand Forks Site, N. Dak., construction of military facilities authorized 1013 Grand Forks Unit, Red River of the North Project, appropriation for land acquisition 480 Grand Junction, Colo., conveyance of land to 282 Grand Mesa Project, Colo., Colorado River storage project 105 Grandview Air Force Base, Mo., construction of facilities authorized 1002 Gray Air Force Base, Tex., construction of facilities authorized 1008 Great Britain, Service Courts within United States, revocation of Proclamation No. 2626 c3