Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/160

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[70 Stat. 104]
[70 Stat. 104]


PUBLIC LAW 4 8 1 - A P R. 6, 1956



01.8 feet; thence soiith 77 dejrrees 00 niiiuites west (58 feet to a stake; tlieiice south 24 dejriees 00 niiiuites AAest H2 feet to a stake; thence north 75 (le«i;rees 00 minutes Avest 180 feet to the point of beginninj^, containinj^ 0.87 acre more or less. PAKCEI. X I MHEKED 4

Beginnin*; at the soiitlnvest corner whence the northwest corner of section 80, townsliip 28 north, range 12 east, Xew Mexico principal meridian, bears north 40 degrees 11 minutes west 2,012 feet; thence south 69 degrees 45 minutes east 228 feet to corner Ko. 2, which is the southeast corner; thence north 23 degrees 82 minutes east 120 feet to corner No. 8, which is the northeast corner; thence south 69 degiees 45 minutes west 228 feet to corner No. 4; thence south 28 degrees 82 minutes west 120 feet to corner No. 1, the place of beginning, containing 0.68 acre. SEC. 2. Such deed shall vest in the said pueblo a title of the same nature and character as that which the said pueblo had before the United States acquired title to the premises and said land shall thereafter be subject to all the laws of the United States applicable to the lands of the said pueblo. Approved April 6, 1956. Public Law 481 AprU 6, 1956 [H. R. 6807]

Hawaii* Land patents.

AN ACT To authorize the amendment of certain patents of Government lands containing restrictions as to use of such lands in the Territory of Hawaii.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Commissioner of Public Lands of the Territory of Hawaii, with the concurrence of the Governor of said Territory, be authorized to amend certain land patents by removing the conditions therein restricting the use of such lands for residence or eleemosynary purposes, so that the lands will be free of any such encumbrances: Provided, however, That no such restriction shall be removed in patents conveying an area in excess of one-half acre: And provided further, That in the opinion of the commissioner the surrounding area in which such lands are located has sufficiently changed to warrant such action. Approved April 6, 1956. Public Law 482

April 6, 195 6 [H. R. 6808]

Hawaii. Sale of p u b l i c lands. 66 Stat. 514. 48 USC 673.



AN ACT To amend section 73(1) of the Hawaiian Organic Act. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the portion of the first proviso of section 78(1) of the Hawaiian Organic Act which reads "That the commissioner shall, with the approval of said board, sell to any citizen of the United States, or to any person who has legally declared his intention to become a citizen, for residence i^urposes lots and tracts, not exceeding three acres in area;" is hereby amended to read as follows: "That the commissioner shall, with the approval of said board, sell to any citizen of the United States, or to any person who has legally declared his intention to become a citizen,