Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/1601

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[70 Stat. XCVII]
[70 Stat. XCVII]

SUBJECT Revised Statutes—Continued Section 1406, repeal Section 1457, repeal Section 1493, amendment Section 1494, repeal Section 1495, repeal Section 1496, amendment Sections 1499-1504, repeal Section 1693, repeal Section 2580, repeal Section 2611, repeal Section 2612, repeal Sections 2614-2617, repeal Section 2627, repeal Section 2635, repeal Sections 2646-2648, repeal Section 2649, repeal Section 2651, repeal Section 2687, repeal Section 2763, repeal Section 2918, repeal Sections 2940-2942, repeal Section 2944, repeal Section 2999, repeal Section 3089, repeal Section 3526, amendment Section 3528, amendment Section 3650, repeal Section 3679, amendment Section 3689, amendment Section 3691, repeal Section 3951, amendment Sections 4083-4091, repeal Sections 4097-4122, repeal Sections 4125-4130 repeal Section 4153, amendment Section 4417, amendment Section 4418, amendment Section 4426, amendment Section 4453, amendment Section 4454, amendment Section 4482, amendment Section 5136, amendment Section 5146, amendment Section 5240, amendment Rewards: Air Force, Department of the, appropriation for Army, Department of the, appropriation for Customs Bureau, funds available for awards to informers District of Columbia Metropolitan Police, appropriation for Federal Bureau of Investigation, appropriation for Federal Prison System, appropriation for Fish and Wildlife Service, funds available for information concerning law violations

^^^^ 623 623 629 629 285 284 285 774 947 947 947 947 947 947 947 947 947 947 948 948 947 947 947 948 518 518 948 783 948 650 284 774 774 774 227 223 224 153 225 226 222 667 119 124

465 456 92 442 306 307




Rewards—Continued Fase Foreign Commerce, Bureau of, appropriation for awards to informers under Export Control Act of 1949. _ 679 Immigration and Naturalization Service, appropriation for 306 Indian Affairs, Bureau of, appropriation for rewards for information concerning law violations on Indian lands, _ 259 Interior Department, Reclamation Bureau, information concerning violations of law involving property 477 Navy Department, funds available for_. 468 Post Office Department, appropriation for payments for information and services concerning violations 96 Rice: Acreage allotments, minimum 205 Acreage reserve program under Soil Bank Act 189 Certificate program 208-212 Richard Bong Air Force Base, Wis., construction of facilities authorized. 1003, 1013 Richland, Wash.: Atomic Energy Community Act of 1955, amendment, appropriation authorized 654 Negotiation by the Atomic Energy Commission of commercial leases in_ 553 Rifle Practice, Promotion of. See under Defense, Department of. Rinderpest, appropriation for eradication, 230 Rio Grande National Forest, exclusion of certain lands from, proclamation c31 Rio Grande Projects, appropriation for___ 302 Rivers and Harbors: Appropriation for 12, 171, 180, 479, 772 Barkley D a m and Lake Barkley, designation 186 Black Warrior River, Ala., John Hollis Bankhead Lock and Dam, designated as 635 Bridges. See separate title. Buford Reservoir, Gwinnett County, Ga., modification of project 725 Colorado River storage project, construction, operation and maintenance, authorized 105 Demopolis lock and dam project, Ala., reconveyance of mineral interests to former owners of certain land acquired for 67 Devils Kitchen Dam, transfer of construction funds to Engineers Corps, 263 Flood control and assistance— Agriculture, Department of, appropriation for 232 Appropriation for 12, 171, 180, 479, 772 Colorado River storage project, construction, operation, and maintenance, authorized 105