Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/305

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[70 Stat. 249]
[70 Stat. 249]



PUBLIC LAW 568-JUNE 4, 1966


by the Secretary of the Treasury. Receipts from such reimbursements shall be deposited as refunds to the appropriation from which paid, in the manner provided for in section 524 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (19 U.S.C. sec. 1524). ""^ ^***- ^^*SEC. 7. Any article which is imported from a foreign country for p^^^^^'^j^onTthe purpose of exhibition at the Americas' New Frontiers Exposition tion, to be held in connection with the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the admission of the State of Oklahoma into the Union, at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, from May 1, 1956, to January 1, 1958, inclusive, hj the Americas' Xew Frontiers Exposition, Incorporated, a corporation, or for use in constructing, installing, or maintaining foreign exhibits at the Americas' New Frontiers Exposition, upon which article there is a tariff or customs duty, shall be admitted without payment of such tariff or customs duty or any fees or charges under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe. Each provision of sections 1 to 6 inclusive of this Act shall apply with respect to the Americas' New Frontiers Exposition and all rights and privileges extended by such sections and all duties and obligations imposed thereby and each and every requirement thereof shall extend to the Americas' New Frontiers Exposition, Incorporated, which shall be deemed, for customs purposes only, to be the sole consignee of all merchandise imported under the authority of this section. Approved June 4, 1956. Public Law 567


AN ACT To provide for the sale of a Government-owned housing project to the city of Hooks, Texas.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, the Administrator of General Services on behalf of the United States is authorized and directed to sell and convey the North Village project, Texas 41142, whenever said project is determined by him to be surplus to the needs of the Government, to the city of Hooks, Texas, at fair market value as determined by him on the basis of an appraisal made by an independent real-estate expert, all right, title, and interest of the United States in and to said North Village project. Hooks, Texas, consisting of two hundred and forty-eight dwelling units. Approved June 4, 1956. Public Law 568


June 4, 1956 [H. R. 7S40]

Hooks, T e x. Conveyance*


AN ACT To repeal legislation relating to the Gallup-Durango Highway and the GallupWindow Kock Highway at the Navajo Indian Reservation.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Act of June 7, 1924 (ch. 318,43 Stat. 606), as amended by the Act of May 28, 1941 (ch. 137, 55 Stat. 207), is hereby repealed, and the tribal funds of the Navajo Indians are relieved of all reimbursable obligations, if any. incurred under such Act. Approved Juoe 4, 1956.

June 4, 1956 ^ » 63 4]