Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/339

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[70 Stat. 283]
[70 Stat. 283]

70 S T A T. 1

PUBLIC LAW 582-JUNE 15, 1956

Public Law 581



AN ACT To provide running mates for certain staff corps officers in the naval service, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That paragraph (3) of section 311(d) of the Officer Personnel Act of 1947, as amended, is further amended by— (a) inserting in the first sentence after the comma which follows the parenthetical phrase "(Public Law 347, Seventy-ninth Congress)" the words "or the Act of August 13, 1946 (ch. 962, 60 Stat. 1057), and except those appointed from graduates of the United States Naval Academy,"; and (b) Substituting a colon for the period at the end of the paragraph and adding the following: '"Provided further, That each officer appointed in the grade of ensign in the Navy under the Act of August 13, 1946 (ch. 96.2, 60 Stat. 1057), or upon graduation from the United States Naval Academy who is serving as an officer in a staff corps at the time of his promotion to lieutenant (junior grade) shall, upon promotion, be assigned as his running mate the line lieutenant (junior grade) with date of rank in the same calendar year who would be next senior to him had the officer of the staff corps been originally appointed to the grade of ensign in the line and continued to serve as a line officer to the date of his promotion to lieutenant (junior grade) or if there be no such officer the line officer who would have been next junior." SEC. 2. Each officer of a staff corps, who is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy or who was appointed as an ensign under the Act of August 13, 1946 (ch. 962, 60 Stat. 1057), and who prior to the effective date of this Act, was assigned a running mate in the grade of lieutenant (junior grade) under paragraph (3) of section 311(d) of the Officer Personnel Act of 1947, as amended, shall have assigned as his running mate, in the grade in which he is serving on the effective date of this Act, the line officer who would have been his running mate in that grade had paragraph (3) of section 311(d) been amended as provided in section 1 of this Act prior to the date upon which he was assigned a running mate in the grade of lieutenant (junior grade). SEC. 3. No back pay or allowances shall accrue to any officer of the naval service as the result of the enactment of this Act. Approved June 15, 1956. Public Law 582

j„„e 15, 1956 [H. R. 4229]—

Navy. Running m a t e s for staff officers* 61 Stat. 856. 34 USC 306f.

34 USC 1020.

34 USC 1020.



Relating to withholding for State employee retirement system purposes, on the compensation of certain civilian employees of the National Guard and the Air National Guard.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That where— (1) the law of Jiny State or Territory provides for the payment of employee contributions to State or Territorial employee retirement systems by withholding sums from the compensation of State or Territorial employees and making returns of such sums to the authorities of such State or Territory; and

June IS, 1956 [H. R. 4437]

National G u a r d employees. Retirement c o n tributions.