Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/44

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[70 Stat. xliv]
[70 Stat. xliv]

Xliv Private Law


666 _ - - S. H. Prather and family. AN ACT For the relief of S. H. Prather, Mrs. Florence P r a the r Penman, and S. H. Prather, Junior May 24, 1956.-.. 667 --_ Lt. Michael Cullen. AN ACT For the relief of Lieutenant Michael Cullen May 24, 1956_-6 6 8 - - - Takako Iba. AN ACT For the relief of T a k a k o I b a May 28, 1956--669 - - - Maj. Robert D. Laiier. AN ACT For the relief of Major Robert D. Lauer M a v 28, 1956. - 670 --.. Maj. Orin A.Fa/le. AN ACT For the relief of Major Orin A. Fayle May 28, 1956- - 671 Comdr. George B. Greer. AN ACT For the relief of Command e r George B. Greer May 28, 1956--6 7 2 - - - Kingan, Inc. AN ACT For the relief of Kingan, IncorporatedMay 28, 1956--Q7Z ^.. James C. Hayes. AN ACT For the relief of J a m e s C. H a y e s - May 28, 1956 - - Q74: ^, James M.Wilson. AN ACT For the relief of J a m e s M. Wilson- May 28, 1956 - - 675 Herman F. Williams and others. AN ACT For the relief of H e r m a n Floyd Williams, Bettie J. Williams, and Alma G. Segers May 28, 1956- - . 676 - - - Lt. P. B. Sampson. AN ACT For the relief of Lieutenant P.B.Sampson May 28, 1956--677 - - - Col. Henry M. Zeller. AN ACT For the relief of Colonel Henry M. Zeller May 28, 1956--678 - - - Pietro R. W. Stulin and Renate K. Horky. AN ACT For the relief of Pietro Rodolfo Walter Stulin and R e n a t e Karolina Horky May 29, 1956--679. - - William J. Robertson. AN ACT For the relief of William J. Robertson May 29, 1956- - 680 - . - Mary J. McDougall. AN ACT For the relief of M a r y J. McDougall May 29, 1956--6 8 1 - - - Kahzo L. Harris. AN ACT For the relief of Kahzo L. H a r r i s. May 29, 1956 - - 682 Kim Boksoon and Anke Naber. AN ACT For the relief of Kim Boksoon and Anke Naber June 4, 1956 683 - - . Mrs. Ida B. Boschetti. AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. I d a Bifolchini Boschetti June 4, 1956 684 Allen Pope or heirs. AN ACT For the relief of Allen Pope, his heirs or personal representatives June 4, 1956 685 Presbyterian Church, National Mission Board, U. S. A. AN ACT To provide for the conveyance of certain lands by the United States to the Board of National Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America June 4, 1956 686 Andrew Rosner and others. AN ACT For the relief of certain aliens June 7, 1956--687 Sarah Kleidermacher and others. AN ACT To waive certain subsections of section 212(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act in behalf of certain aliens June 7, 1956— 688 - - - Clement E. Sprouse. AN ACT For the relief of Clement E. Sprouse June 13, 1956. _ _ 689. - - Nihat Cengiz. AN ACT For the relief of certain aliens June 18, 1956-.690 Eva G. Rubinstein and others. AN ACT To M^aive certain subsections of section 212(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act in behalf of certain aliens June 18, 1956 691. - - Mrs. Ella and Clarence E. Madden. AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. Ella Madden and Clarence E. Madden June 19, 1956--692 Sam Bergesen. AN ACT For the relief of Sam Bergesen June 20, 1956.-. 693 - - - Garrett N. and Michael H. Soulen. AN ACT For the relief of Garrett N o r m a n Soulen and Michael H a r v e v Soulen June 20, 1956-.694. - . Tom Wong. AN ACT For the relief of To m ' W o n g (Foo Tai Nam) June 20, 1956--695 - - - Mrs. Elizabeth Shenekji. AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. Elizabeth Shenekji June 20, 1956--696 Joseph Kehch, estate. AN ACT For the relief of the estate of Joseph Kelsch June 21, 1956-.697 Maria L. Gallegos and others. AN ACT For the relief of certain aliens June 21, 1956--698 - _ - Mrs. Myrtle R. Beane and others. JOINT RESOLUTION To waive certain provisions of section 212(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act in behalf of certain aliens June 21, 1956 — 699 — Lino P. Martinez. AN ACT For the relief of Lino Perez Martinez . June 22, 1956_.7 0 0 - - - Tibor Horvath. AN ACT For the relief of Tibor H o r v a t h - - - June 22, 1956 - - 701 - - - Anthony Asprakis and others. JOINT RESOLUTION To waive certain subsections of section 212(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act in behalf of certain aliens June 22, 1956 —


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