Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/509

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[70 Stat. 453]
[70 Stat. 453]

70 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 637-JUNE 29, 1966


officer for the District of Columbia and the vouchers as approved shall be paid by checks issued by the Disbursing Officer without SEC. S.From and after July 1, 1956, the provisions of Public Law th^*'^^* of^oover^ 330, Eighty-fourth Congress, approved August 9, 1955, shall be ap- ""^^^^ ^24, plicable to the government of the District of Columbia. s use iisp. SEC. 4. Whenever in this Act an amount is specified within an Maximum amount, appropriation for particular purposes or object of expenditure, such amount, unless otherwise specified, shall be considered as the maximum amount which may be expended for said purpose or object rather than an amount set apart exclusively therefor. SEC. 5. Appropriations in this Act shall be available, when author- lowmce^****"* "'" ized or approved by the Commissioners, for allowances for privately owned automobiles used for the performance of official duties at 7 cents per mile but not to exceed $22 a month for each automobile, unless otherwise therein specifically provided, except that fifty-two such allowances at not more than $360 each per annum may be authorized or approved by the Commissioners. SEC. 6. Appropriations in this Act shall be available for the payment me'^ung..**""*'* "* of dues and expenses of attendance at meetings of organizations concerned with the work of the District of Columbia government, when authorized by the Commissioners: Provided, That the total expenditures for this purpose shall not exceed $25,000. SEC. 7. Hereafter the Commissioners are authorized in their discre- rT^S^"*.\j«ri'" tion to invest and reinvest at any time m United btates Government securities, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, any part of the general, special, or trust funds, of the District of Columbia, not needed to meet current expenses, to deposit the interest accruing from such investments to the credit of the fund from which the investment was made, and the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to sell or exchange such securities for other Government securities, and deposit the proceeds to the credit of the appropriate fund. SEC. 8. Appropriations in this Act shall oe available, when author- servicas. ized by the Commissioners, for services as authorized by section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946 (5 U.S.C. 55a). «° Stat. 8 lo. SEC. 9. The disbursing officer of the District of Columbia is author- m<^e:r.*"*'** '*^ ized to advance to such officials as may be designated by the Commissioners upon requisitions previously approved by the accounting officer of the District of Columbia such amounts and for such purposes as the Commissioners may determine. SEC. 10. Appropriations in this Act shall not be used for or in Restrictiona. connection with the preparation, issuance, publication, or enforcement of any regulation or order of the Public Utilities Commission requiring the installation of meters in taxicabs, or for or in connection with the licensing of any vehicle to be operated as a taxicab except for operation in accordance with such system of uniform zones and rates and regulations applicable thereto as shall have been prescribed by the Public Utilities Commission. SEC. 11. Appropriations in this Act shall not be available for the payment of rates for electric current for street lighting in excess of those authorized to be paid in the fiscal year 1927, and payment for electric current for new forms of street lighting shall not exceed 2 cents per kilowatt-hour for current consumed. SEC. 12. All motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles (includ- hiJie'!*"*^*' ^*" ing watercraft) owned by the District of Columbia shall be operated and utilized in conformity with section 16 of the Act of August 2, 1946 (5 U.S.C. 77, 78), and shall be under the direction and control ^° ^^^^ " ° * of the Commissioners, who may from time to time alter or change the assignment for use thereof, or direct the alteration or interchangeable