Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70A.djvu/31

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XXXI C H A P T E R 539—ORIGINAL APPOINTMENTS Sec. 5571. Regular Navy and Regular Marine Corps: citizenship of officers 5572. Regular Navy and Regular Marine Corps: appointing powers 5573. Regular Navy and Regular Marine Corps: from g r a d u a t e s of the Naval Academy 5574. Regular Navy: Medical Corps 5575. Regular Navy: Supply Corps 5576. Regular Navy: Chaplain Corps 5577. Regular Navy: Civli Engineer Corps 5578. Regular Navy: Dental Corps 5579. Regular Navy: Medical Service Corps 5580. Regular Navy: N u r s e Corps 5581. Naval Reserve: Medical Corps, Dental Corps, Medical Service Corps; women 5582. Regular Navy: transfers, line and staff corps 5583. Regular Marine Corps: from noncommissioned officers 5584. Regular Marin Corps: from former officers 5585. Regular Marine Corps: order of filling vacancies in grade of second lieutenant 5586. Regular Navy and Regular Marine Corps: from w a r r a n t officers and enlisted members 5587. Regular Navy: officers designated for engineering duty, aeronautical engineering duty and special duty 5588. Regular Marine Corps: officers designated for supply duty 5589. Regular Navy and Regular Marine Corps: officers designated for limited duty 5590. Regular Navy and Regular Marine Corps: women 5591. Regular Navy: Supply Corps: maximum number of ensigns appointed annually 5592. Regular Navy: Civil Engineer Corps: maximum number of ensigns appointed annually 5593. Regular Navy: Medical Service Corps: maximum number of ensigns appointed annually 5594. Regular Navy: Nurse Corps: maximum number of ensigns appointed annually 5595. Regular Marine Corps: restriction on appointments of former midshipmen and cadets 5596. Navy and Marine Corps: temporary appointments 5597. Navy and Marine Corps: temporary appointments in t i m e of w a r or national emergency 5598. Naval Reserve and Marine Corps R e s e r v e: temporary appointments in time of w a r or national emergency 5599. Medical Corps: acting appointments for temporary service

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5651. 5652. 5653. 5654. 5655. 5656. 5657. 5658. 5659. 5660. 5661. 5662. 5663. 5664.

Eligibility of officers to be r u n n i n g m a t e s Regular Navy: lieutenants (junior grade) Regular Navy: lieutenants and above Regular Navy: transfers from line Naval Reserve: officers ordered to active d u t y Reassignment: running mate separated, released, or loses numbers— Reassignment: staff corps officer promoted Reassignment: staff corps officer not promoted Reassignment: staff corps officer loses numbers Reassignment: running mate advanced Reassignment: staff corps officer advanced Suspension: preceding sections Application: preceding sections Regular Navy: women staff corps officers appointed under section 5590 of this title 5666. Appointments for limited d u r a t i o n not considered

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