Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 71.djvu/481

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[71 Stat. 445]
[71 Stat. 445]



PUBLIC LAW 85-172-AUG. 28, 1957

lished trade name or names which are usual to such products and which are not false and deceptive and which shall be approved by the Secretary are permitted. If the Secretary has reason to believe that any label in use or prepared for use is false or misleading in any particular, he may direct that the use of the label be withheld unless it is modified in such manner as the Secretary may prescribe so that it will not be false or misleading. If the person using or proposing to use the label does not accept the determination of the Secretary, he may request a hearing, but the use of the label shall, if the Secretary so directs, be withheld pending hearing and final determination by 1:he Secretary. Any such determination by the Secretary shall be conclusive unless within thirty days after the receipt of notice of such final determination the person adversely affected thereby appeals to the United States court of appeals for the circuit in which he has his principal place of business or to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. The provisions of section 204 of the Packers and Stockyards Act of 1921, as amended, shall be applicable to appeals taken under this section. PROHIBITED ACTS

SEC. 9. The following acts or the causing thereof are hereby prohibited: (a) The processing, sale or offering for sale, transportation, or delivery or receiving for transportation, in commerce or in a designated major consuming area of any poultry product, unless such poultry product has been inspected for wholesomeness and unless the shipping container, if any, and the immediate container are marked in accordance with the provisions of this Act. (b) The sale or other disposition for human food of any poultry or poultry product which has been inspected and declared to be unwholesome or adulterated under this Act. (c) Falsely making or issuing, altering, forging, simulating, or counterfeiting any official inspection certificate, memorandum, mark, or other identification, or device for making such mark or identification, used in connection with the inspection of poultry or poultry products under this Act, or causing, procuring, aiding, assisting in, or being a party to, such false making, issuing, altering, forging, simulating, or counterfeiting, or knowingly possessing, without promptly notifying the Secretary of Agriculture or his representative, uttering, publishing, or using as true, or causing to be uttered, published, or used as true, any such falsely made or issued, altered, forged, simulated, or counterfeited official inspection certificate, memorandum, mark, or other identification, or device for making such mark or identification, or representing that any poultry or poultry product has been officially inspected under the authority of this Act when such poultry or poultry product has in fact not been so inspected. (d) Using in commerce, or in a designated major consuming area, a false or misleading label on any poultry product. (e) The use of any container bearing an official inspection mark except for the poultry product in the original form in which it was inspected and covered by said m^ark unless the mark is removed, obliterated, or otherwise destroyed. (f) The refusal to permit access by any duly authorized representative of the Secretary, at all reasonable times, to the premises of an establishment engaged in processing poultry or poultry products for commerce, or in or for marketing in a designated major consuming area, upon presentation of appropriate credentials. (g) The refusal to permit access to and the copying of any record as authorized by section 11 of this Act. 84352 O - 5 8 - 3 1

