Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/1080

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[72 Stat. 1038]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 1038]


PUBLIC LAW 8&-840-AUG. 28, 1968

[72 S T A T.

and after the twelfth month before the month in which the application is filed, but in no case for the month in which this Act is enacted or any prior month. POSITIONS COVERED BY STATE AND LOCAL RETIREMENT


Division of Retirement Systems 42 USC 418.

SEC. 315. (a)(1) Section 218(d)(6) of the Social Security Act is amended to read as follows: "(6)(A) If a retirement system covers positions of employees of the State and positions of employees of one or more political subdivisions of the State, or covers positions of employees of two or more political subdivisions of the State, then, for purposes of the preceding paragraphs of this subsection, there shall, if the State so desires, be deemed to be a separate retirement system with respect to any one or more of the political subdivisions concerned and, where the retirement system covers positions of employees of the State, a separate retirement system with respect to the State or with respect to the State and any one or more of the political subdivisions concerned. " (B) If a retirement system covers positions of employees of one or more institutions of higher learning, then, for purposes of such preceding paragraphs there shall, if the State so desires, be deemed to be a separate retirement system for the employees of each such institution of higher learning. For the purposes of this subparagraph, the term 'institutions of higher learning' includes junior colleges and teachers colleges. " (C) For the purposes of this subsection, any retirement system established by the State of California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New York, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont, W a s h i n ^ o n, Wisconsin, or the Territory of Hawaii, or any political subdivision of any such State or Territory, which, on, before, or after the date of enactment of this subparagraph, is divided into two divisions or parts, one of which is composed of positions of members of such system who desire coverage under an agreement under this section and the other of which is composed of positions of members of such system who do not desire such coverage, shall, if the State or Territory so desires and if it is provided that there shall be included in such division or part composed of members desiring such coverage the positions of individuals who become members of such system after such coverage is extended, be deemed to be a separate retirement system with respect to each such division or part. " (D) The position of any individual which is covered by any retirement system to which subparagraph (C) is applicable snail, if such individual is ineligible to become a member of such system on August 1, 1956, or, if later, the day he first occupies such position, be deemed to be covered by the separate retirement system consisting of the positions of members of the division or part who do not desire coverage under the insurance system established under this title. " (E) An individual who is in a position covered by a retirement system to which subparagraph (C) is applicable and who is not a member of such system but is eligible to become a member thereof shall, for purposes of this subsection (other than paragraph (8)), be regarded as a member of such system; except that, in the case of any retirement system a division or part of which is covered under the agreement (either in the original agreement or by a modification thereof), which coverage is agreed to prior to 1960, the preceding provisions of this subparagraph shall apply only if the State so requests and any such individual referred to in such preceding pro-