Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/1135

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[72 Stat. 1093]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 1093]



PUBLIC LAW 85-860-AUG. 28, 1958

at the rate of $50 per day when engaged in the performance of duties vested in the Commission, plus reimbursement for travel, subsistence, and other necessary expenses incurred by them in the performance of such duties, but the aggregate compensation received by the members of the Commission pursuant to this subsection shall not exceed $12,000 per annum in the case of the Chairman, and $7,500 per annum in the case of members of the Commission other than those members appointed pursuant to section 3(b)(2) of this Act. SEC. 7. I n the formulation of a comprehensive and coordinated plan or plans for (a) the control, conservation, and utilization of the waters of the Savannah, Altamaha, Saint Marys, Apalachicola-Chattahoochee, and Perdido-Escambia Kiver Basins (and intervening areas), (b) conservation and development of the land resources of such area; (c) flood control, navigation, reclamation, agriculture purposes, power, recreation, fish and wildlife, and (d) such other needs as are set forth in paragraph (a) of the first section of this Act, the Commission shall— (1) seek to secure maximum public benefits for the region and the Nation consistent with the specific directions contained in section 8 and elsewhere in this Act; (2) utilize the services, studies, surveys, and reports of existing Government agencies and shall encourage the completion of such current and additional studies and investigations by such agencies as will further the purposes of this Act, and such agencies are authorized to cooperate within the limits of available funds and personnel to the end that the Commission may carry out its functions as expeditiously as possible; (3) take into consideration the financial, physical, and economic benefits of existing and prospective Federal works constructed or to be constructed consistent with the purposes of this Act; (4) include in its plan or plans estimated costs and benefits; recommendations relating to the establishment of pay-out schedules (areawide or otherwise) taking into account the Federal Government's present and prospective investment in the area; costs reimbursable and nonreimbursable; sources for reimbursement; returns heretofore riiade from existing projects and estimates of returns from recommended projects; repayment schedules for water, irrigation, industrial, and other uses; power rates and recommendations for the marketing thereof in such manner as to encourage its most widespread use at the lowest possible rates consistent with the return of capital investment and interest thereon; and (5) offer in its plan or plans proposals for the construction and operation of the projects contained therein, and designate the functions and activities of the various Federal departments and agencies in connection therewith consistent with existing law, except that no such plan or plans shall include final project designs and estimates. SEC. 8. I n the formulation of its plan or plans and in the preparation of its report to the President and to the Congress, the Commission shall comply with the following directives: (1) The report shall contain the basic comprehensive plan for the development of the water and land resources of the Savannah, Altamaha, Saint Marys, Apalachicola-Chattahoochee, and PerdidoEscambia River Basins (and intervening areas) formulated by the Commission in accordance with the provisions of, and to accomplish the purposes of, this Act; (2) The Commission and the participating Federal departments and agencies shall comply substantially with the intent, purposes.


Formulat i o n plans.

