Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/1363

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[72 Stat. 1321]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 1321]

72 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 8 5 - 8 5 9 - S E P T. 2, 1958

than would have been the case had such mingling not occurred. " (3) DISTILLED SPIRITS XOT ACCOUNTCD FOR.—If the Secretary

or his delegate finds that the distiller has not accounted for all the distilled spirits produced by him, he shall, from all the evidence he can obtain, determine what quantity of distilled spirits was actually produced by such distiller, and an assessment shall be made for the difference between the quantity reported and the quantity shown to have been actually produced, at the rate of tax imposed by law for every proof gallon. " (b) TAXABLE Loss.— "(1) O N ORIGINAL QUANTITY.—Where there is evidence satisfactory to the Secretary or his delegate that there has been any loss of distilled spirits from any cask or other package deposited in storage in internal revenue bond, other than a loss which by reason of section 5008(a) is not taxable, the Secretary or his delegate may require the withdrawal from bonded premises of such distilled spirits, and direct the officer designated by him to collect the tax accrued on the original quantity of distilled spirits entered for deposit in storage in internal revenue bond in such cask or package, notwithstanding that the time specified in any bond given for the withdrawal of the spirits entered in storage in such cask or package has not expired, except that, under regulations prescribed by the Secretary or his delegate, when the extent of any loss from causes other than theft or unauthorized voluntary destruction can be established by the proprietor to the satisfaction of the Secretary or his delegate, an allowance of the tax on the loss so established may be credited against the tax on the original quantity. If such tax is not paid on demand it shall be assessed and collected as other taxes are assessed and collected. "(2) ALTERNATIVE METHOD.—Where there is evidence satisfactory to the Secretary or his delegate that there has been access, other than as authorized by law, to the contents of casks or packages stored on bonded premises, and the extent of such access is such as to evidence a lack of due diligence or a failure to employ necessary and effective controls on the part of the proprietor, the Secretary or his delegate (in lieu of requiring the casks or packages to which such access has been had to be withdrawn and tax paid on the original quantity of distilled spirits entered for deposit in storage in internal revenue bond in such casks or packages as provided in paragraph (1)) may assess an amount equal to the tax on 5 proof gallons of distilled spirits at the prevailing rate on each of the total number of such casks or packages as determined by him. "(3) APPLICATION or SUBSECTION.—The provisions of this subsection shall apply to distilled spirits which are filled into casks or packages, as authorized by law, after entry and deposit in storage in internal revenue bond, whether by recasking, filling from storage tanks, consolidation of packages, or otherwise; and the quantity filled into sitch casks or packages shall be deemed to be the original quantity for the purpose of this subsection, in the case of loss from such casks or packages. " (c) DISTILLED SPIRITS NOT BONDED.—

" (1) GENERAL.—The tax on any distilled spirits, removed from the place where they were distilled and (except as otherwise provided by law) not deposited in storage on bonded premises of a distilled spirits plant, shall, at any time within the period of limitation provided in section 6501, when knowledge of such fact is obtained by the Secretary or his delegate, be assessed on the distiller of such distilled spirits (or other person liable for the