Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/1500

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[72 Stat. 1458]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 1458]


PUBLIC LAW 85-861-SEPT. 2, 1958

[72 S T A T.

"§ 2387. Procurement of table and kitchen equipment for oflScers* quarters: limitation on " (a) Except under regulations approved by the Secretary of Defense and providing for uniform practices among the armed forces under his jurisdiction, no part of any appropriation of the Department of Defense may be used to supply or replace table linen, dishes, glassware, silver, and kitchen utensils for use in the residences on shore, or quarters on shore, of officers of those armed forces. "(b) This section does not apply to— "(1) field messes; "(2) messes temporarily set up on shore for bachelor officers and officers attached to seagoing or district defense vessels; "(3) aviation units based on seagoing vessels; "(4) fleet air bases; "(5) submarine bases; and "(6) landing forces and expeditions." 10 USC 2381(46) Chapter 141 is amended by adding the following new section at the end thereof: ^'§2388. Liquid fuels: contracts for storage, handling, and distribution " (a) The Secretary of a military department may contract for the storage, handling, and distribution of liquid fuels for periods of not more than five years, with options to renew for additional periods of not more than five years each, but not for more than a total of 20 years. " (b) This section applies only to facilities that conform to standards prescribed by the Secretary of Defense for protection, including dispersal, and that are in a program approved by the Secretary of Defense for the protection of petroleum facilities. "(c) A contract under this section may contain an option for the purchase by the United States of the facility covered by the contract at the expiration or termination of the contract, without regard to section 4774(d) or 9774 (d) of this title, section 529 of title 31, or section 259 or 267 of title 40, and before approval of title to the underlying land by the Attorney General. " (d) The Secretary concerned shall report to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives the terms of the contracts made under this section and the names of the contractors. The reports shall be made at such times and in such form as may be agreed upon by the Secretary and those Committees." (47) The analysis of chapter 141 is amended by adding the following new items at the end thereof: "2387. Procurement of table and kitchen equipment for officers' quarters: limitation on. "2388. Liquid fuels: contracts for storage, handling, and distribution." 10 USC 2541, (48) Chapter 151 is amended— 2542, (A) by adding the following new section at the end thereof: § 2543. Equipment: Inaugural Committee " (a) The Secretary of Defense, under such conditions as he may prescribe, may lend, to an Inaugural Committee established under 36 USC 721. section 721 of title 36, hospital tents, smaller tents, camp appliances, hospital furniture, flags other than battle flags, flagpoles, litters, and ambulances and the services of their drivers, that can be spared without detriment to the public service. "(b) The Inaugural Committee must give a good and sufficient bond for the return in good order and condition of property lent under subsection (a).