Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/1590

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[72 Stat. 1548]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 1548]


PUBLIC LAW 86-861-SEPT. 2, 1968

[72 S T A T.

  • '§ 771. Applicability of this subchapter

"(a) This subchapter applies: "(1) only to the Coast Guard Reserve; "(2) equally to women members of the Reserve except where the context indicates otherwise. "(b) This subchapter does not apply to: " (1) officers of the Reserve whose names appear in the Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers and Cadets of the United States Coast Guard; "(2) temporary members of the Coast Guard Reserve. "(c) Officers excluded under subsection (b)(1) of this section shall be considered for promotion under the regulations governing promotions of officers of the Regular Coast Guard as though such officers were officers of the Regular Coast Guard. ^'§ 772. Authorized number of officers "(a) The authorized number of officers in the Coast Guard Reserve in active status is six thousand. The actual number of Reserve officers in active status at any time shall not exceed these authorized numbers unless the Secretary shall determine that a greater number is necessary for planned mobilization requirements, or unless such excess shall result directly from the operation of mandatory provisions of this or other laws. " (b) The authorized number of officers of the Coast Guard Reserve in active status in each of the grades below the grade of rear admiral shall be a percentage of the total number of such officers in active status below the grade of rear admiral, and shall be 0.6 percent in the grade of captain. 3.5 percent in the grade of commander, 25 percent in the grade of lieutenant commander, 37 percent in the grade of lieutenant, and 33.9 percent in the combined grades of lieutenant (junior grade) and ensign, except that when the actual number of Coast Guard Reserve officers in active status in any grade is less than the number which is so authorized, the diflFerence may be applied to increase the authorized number in any lower grade or grades. No Reserve officer shall be reduced in rank or grade solelv because of a reduction in an authorized number provided in this suWction. The authorized number of Coast Guard Reserve officers in active status in the grade of rear admiral shall be two. "(c) The Secretary may determine the number of Reserve officers in each grade who may be promoted annually under the provisions of this subchapter. The number which shall be so determined for each grade shall be the number deemed to be necessary to provide equit-able opportunity for promotion among succeeding groups of Reserve officers and an adequate continuing strength of Reserve officers in an active status, and shall not cause the number of Reserve officers in active status in any grade to exceed the number authorized in this section for that grade. '*§ 773. Constructive credit upon initial appointment "Upon appointment as a Coast Guard Reserve officer, a person who holds no appointment as a commissioned officer of the Armed Forces may be placed in a commensurate position on the Reserve lineal list to reflect his combined years of experience, education, and such other qualifications as may be prescribed by regulations promulgated by the Secretary. Any such person who is appointed for the gurpose of or with a view to assignment or designation as a Law pecialist of the Coast Guard Reserve shall, for purposes of this subchapter only, be credited with a minimum amount of service in an active status of three years, and a person holding a degree of Doctor of Philosophy, or comparable degree, in a science allied to