Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/169

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[72 Stat. 129]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 129]

72 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 8 5 - 4 2 2 - M A Y 20, 1968


Si:c. 5. Section 4(a)(1) of the Armed Forces Leave Act of 1946 Quarters aiiow(37 U.S.C. 33) is amended by striking out the word "three" and **?o Stat. 964. inserting in phice thereof the word "five". SEC. 6. Title 10, United States Code, is amended as follows: (1) Footnote 1 of section 3991 is amended to read as follows: ^°^ ^***- '^^a. " ' For the purposes of this section, determine meuiber's retired grade as if section 3962(d) did not apply and, for an officer who has served as Chief of Staff, compute at the highest rates of basic pay applicable to him while he served in that office." (2) Section 5083 is amended by striking out the words "and with oS^»tions!^^"""^ retired pay based on that grade" and adding the following new sen- 70A Stat.':>62. tence at the end thereof: "The retired pay of such an officer shall be computed at the highest rates of basic pay applicable to him while he served in that office.". (3) Section 5201(c) is amended by striking out the words "and cSaiSa'S!* with retired pay based on that grade" and adding the following new 70A Stat. 292. sentence at the end thereof: "The retired pay of such an officer shall be computed at the highest rates of basic pay applicable to him while he served in that office.. (4) Section 5233 is amended by inserting before the period at the co'Ij7po!atioM.* end of the first sentence the words "and with retired pay based on that grade", and by striking out the last sentence thereof. (5) Section 6483 is amended by adding the following new sub- 'OA Stat. 417. section: _ _ "(c) If recalled to active duty in the grade he holds on the retired list under section 6150 of this title, or under any other law which 'OA Stat. 385. authorized advancement on the retired list by reason of a special commendation for the performance of duty in actual combat, he may, upon release from active duty on or after the effective date of this sentence, have his retired pay recomputed on the basis of the then monthly basic pay of the grade he holds on the retired list only if he has served on that duty for a continuous period of at least two years." (6) Footnote 1 of section 8991 is amended to read as follows: 70A Stat. sse. "' For the purposes of this section, determine member's retired grade as if section 8962(c) did not apply and, for an officer who has served as Chief of Staff, compute at the highest rates of basic pay applicable to him while he served in that office." (7) Chapter 71 is amended as follows: (A) Column 1 of formula 1 and column 1 of formula 2 of section ^OA Stat. 106. 1401 are each amended to read as follows: " Monthly basic pay ^ of grade to which member is entitled under section 1372 or to which he was entitled on day before retirement or placement on temporary disability retired list, whichever is higher, increased, for members credited with two or less years of service for basic pay purposes, by 6%.* " (B) By adding the following footnote at the end of section 1401: " * For an officer who served as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Chief of Staff of the Army, Chief of Naval Operations, Chief of Staff of the Air Force, or Commandant of the Marine Corps, compute at the highest rates of basic pay applicable to him while he served in that office." (8) Column 1 of formulas C and D of sections 3991 and 8991 are 7OA Stat. 232, each, respectively, amended to read as follows: "Monthly basic pay * to which member was entitled on day before he retired." (9) Section 6326(c)(2) is amended by striking out the words Eniisted per«on"grade in which retired" and inserting the words "pay grade in which Vhirty-year aervhe was serving on the day before retirement" in place thereof.

    • ^76A Stat. 395.

98395-59-PT. 1-9