Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/1882

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[72 Stat. 1840]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 1840]


LAWS AFFECTED IN VOLUME 72 TABLE 3.—Internal Revenue Code of 1939 Amendatory provisions

Affected section 72 Stat.

1 et seq __ __ 22(p) 42 106 131(e) 275,292 437(c)458, 718 812(e)(1)(D) 812(e)(1)(F) 813(b)(3) 925, 926 927 - - 3771(b)(1) _.. 3772(a)(2) 3794

1666 1667 1673 1673 1675 1673 1670 1670 4 1668 1657 1658 1658 1664 1673 1663



85-866, sec. 89(c) 85-866, sec. 92 85-866, sec. 99 85-866, sec. 100 85-866, sec. 103(a). __ 85-866, sec. 99 85-866, sec. 94(f)(2) 85-866, sec. 94(f)(1). __ _ 85-318 85-866, sec. 93 -_ - 85-866, sec. 65(b) 85-866, sec. 66(b)(2)(A), (B) _. 85-866, sec. 66 (a)(2) 85-866, sec. 83(b) 85-866, sec. 98_- _._ _ 85-866, sec. 82(a)(2)

Applicability. Addition. Exception. Applicability. Amendment. Exception. Supplemental provision. Do. Amendment. Revision. Addition. Amendment. Do. Revision. Exception. Amendment.

TABLE 4.—Internal Revenue Code of 1954 Amendatory provisions

Affected section 72 Stat.


11(b) 35(c), (d)

259 1639

85-475, sec. 2 85-866, sec. 41(b)

75(a) 75(b)(1) 101(b)(2)(B)._.. 120 121(a)(18) 152(a)(9), (b)(3) 152(b)(5) 162 162(c), (d)

1606 1606 1622 1607 1266 1607 1607 1672 1608

85-866, 85-866, 85-866, 85-866, 85-857, 85-866, 86-866, 85-866, 85-866,

164(f), (g)----.


85-866, sec. 6(a)

165(g)(3)(B).-.. 165(h)(3), (4)... 165(h)(5)....... 166(d)(2)(A)._.. 167(d) 168(e)(2)(C)---. 168(e)(5) 170(b)(1)(C) —. 170(b)(3), (4)...

1608 1646 1676 1608 1665 1608 1609 1609 1609

171fb)(l)(B).... 171(b)(2) 172(b)(1) 172(b)Cl)(A).-.

1610 1610 1678 1664

85-866, sec. 7 __-. 85-866, sec. 57(c)(1).-. 85-866, sec. 202(a) 85-866, sec. 8 85-866, sec. 89(b)85-866, sec. 9(a) 85-866, sec. 9(b) 85-866, sec. 10(a) 85-866, secs. 11, 12(a). 85-866, sec. 13(a)(1)... 85-866, sec. 13(a)(2).-. 85-866, sec. 203(a) 85-866, sec. 83(e)

172(b)(2) 172(f)(3), (4)--. 172(g)(3), (4)-..

1678 1611 1611

85-866, sec. 203(a) 85-866, sec. 14(a) 85-866, sec. 14(b)

sec. 2(a)(2), (3) sec. 2(a)(1) sec. 23(d) sec. 3(a) sec. 13(t) sec. 4(a), (b)... sec. 4(c) secs. 96, 97 sec. 5(a)


Amendment. Former subsec. (c) redesignated as subsec. (d); new subsec. (c) added. Amendment. Revision. Do. Repeal. Amendment. Revision. Addition. Exception. Former subsec, (c) redesignated as (d); new subsec. (c) added. Former subsec. (f) redesignated as (g); new subsec. (f) added. Amendment. Addition. Do. Amendment. Do. Addition. Do. Amendment. Addition. Revision. Amendment. Do. Supplemental provision. Amendment. Addition. Former par. (3) renumbered (4); new par. (3) added.