Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/1884

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[72 Stat. 1842]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 1842]



Code of



Amendatory provisions Affected section Identification

72 Stat.

42(a)-.. 103(b)-. 72(b).-. 2 43(a)..2(b)..-. 64(d)(2). 44 45 46(a)...

904(c) 905(b) 911(c) 1014(d) 1015(d) 1016(a)(6)1016(a) (18). 1031(d) 1033(a)(2). _. 1033(g), (h).

1639 1675 1660 5 1640 1607 1656 1641 1641 1641

85-866 85-866 85-866 85-320 85-866 85-866 85-866 85-866 85-866 85-866

1034(i)(2), (3).


85-866 sec. 46(b)

1053 1071(a) 1231(a) 1232(a)(2)(A) _. 1232(c) 1233(a) 1233(e)(4) 1233(g) 1234, 1235(d)-. 1237(a)(1).-.-. 1239(c) 1242, 1243 1244 1306, 1307

1642 1642 1642 1642 1643 1644 1643 1644 1644 1645 1645 1645 1676 1646

85-866 85-866 85-866 85-866 85-866 85-866 85-866 85-866 85-866 85-866 85-866 85-866 85-866 85-866

1312(6), (7).


85-866 sec. 59(a)

1314(c) 1341(a), (b)(2) 1341(b)(3) 1347 1371-1377 (ch. 1, subch. S). 1401 1402(b) (.1)(B) 1402(b)(1) CO 1402(f) 1441(b), (c)(5) 1482 1504(b)(8) 1551 2011(a) 2011(c)(3) 2014(f) 2015 2039(c)(1), (2) 2039(c)(2) 2039(c)(3) 2053(d)(1) 2055(e) 2106(a)(2)(E) 2208 2501(b) 2501(b), (c)

1647 1647 1647 1648 1650

85-866 85-866 85-866 85-866 85-866

sec. sec. sec. sec. sec.

59(b). 60(a)- (c). 60(d). 61--64(a).

1041 1042 1042 1043 1638 1648 1657 1680 1674 1657 1674 1657 1622 1658 1623 1675 1631 1631 1674 1641 1674

85-840 sec. 85-840 sec. 85-840 sec. 85-840 sec. 85-866 sec. 85-866 sec. 85-866 sec. 85-866 sec. 85-866 sec, 85-866 sec. 85-866 sec. 85-866 sec. 85-866: sec. 85-866 sec. 85-866 sec. 85-866 sec 85-866 sec, do 85-866 sec. 85-866 sec. 85-866 sec.

401(a)--. 402(a)(1). 402(a)(2). 403(a). - 40(b) 62 64(d)(3)-. 205(a).-. 102(c)(1). 65(a) 102(c)(2). 66(a)(1).. 23(e)(1)-. 67(a) 23(e)(2)-. 102(c)(3). 30(d)_:-.

2517 2517(a)(3) 2517(b) 2522(c) 3101-3504 (subtitle C). 3101 3111 3121(a) 3121(b)(1)

1659 1623 1623 1631 6

85-866 85-866 85-866 85-866 85-321

1041 1042 1042 1044

85-840 sec, 85-840 sec 85-840 sec 85-840: sec

sec. sec. sec. sec. sec. sec. sec. sec. sec. sec.

sec. 47 sec. 48 sec. 49 sec. 50 sec. 51 sec. 62(b) - . sec. 5 2 (a) - sec. 5 2 (b).. secs. 53, 5 4. sec. 55 sec. 56 sec. 5 7 (a) - . sec. 2 0 2 (b). sec. 58

102(a). 43(b) 102(b)

sec. 68 sec. 23(f)(2) sec. 23(f)(3) sec. 30(d) - secs. 1, 4. - 401(b). 401(c). 402(b). 404(a).


Addition. Amendment. Addition. Repeal. Addition. Amendment. Addition. Amendment. Do. Former subsec. (g) redesignated as (h); new subsec. (g) added. Former par. (2) renumbered as (3); new par. (2) added. Amendment. Do. Do. Do. Revision. Amendment. Addition. Do. Revision. Amendment. Addition. Do. Do. Former sec. 1306 r e n u m b e r e d as 1307; new sec. 1306 added. Former subsec. (6) renumbered as (7); new subsec. (6) added. Amendment. Do. Addition. Amendment. Addition. Revision. Do. Addition. Do. Amendment. Addition. Do. Amendment. Do. Addition. Do. Amendment. Do. Do. Addition. Amendment. Do. Do. Addition. Revision of former subsec. (b). Former subsec. (b) redesignated as (c); new subsec. (b) added. Addition. Do. Amendment. Do. Notification, supplemental provision. Revision. Do. Amendment. Revision.