Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/1976

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[72 Stat. 1934]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 1934]



Indians—Continued K l a m a t h River, Calif., restoration of ceded lands to tribal ownership K l a m a t h Tribe, Oreg., termination of Federal supervision— Conditions Reimbursement for expenses Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians, land conveyances . Lower Brule Sioux Tribe, S. Dak., payment for certain claims authorized Lummi Tribe, Wash., land conveyance_ M a k a h Indian Reservation, Wash., land conveyance Menominee Tribe— Recreational director, appropriation for Termination of Federal supervision— Deferment . Reimbursement for expenses Minnesota, certain lands conveyed to State Navajo Tribe— Land exchange Road improvement and construction. Osage Museum, appropriation for curator Otoe and Missouria Tribe, preparation of allotment roll for per capita payment Papago tribal land, lease to National Science Foundation, authorized Pine Ridge Sioux Indians, S. Dak., payment of certain claims authorized. Rancherias and reservations, Calif., distribution of land and assets Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians, per capita payments authorized Roads. See Indian Roads under Highways. Rocky Boy's Indian Reservation, Mont., designation of certain land for exclusive use of Chippewa and Cree Tribes Shoshone and Arapahoe Tribes, t r u s t funds, management and u s e Spokane, Wash., restoration of ceded lands to tribal ownership Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, N. Dak., and S. Dak., payment for lands for Oahe D a m and Reservoir; rehabilitation, etc Territorial law, extension to all Indian country in Alaska T r u s t lands, adjudication of claims of certain

Page Page Indians—Continued Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyo., Shoshone and Arapahoe Tribes, 121 minerals and mineral leases 935 Indonesia, Republic of, immigration visas for certain citizens of the Netherlands 816 authorized 1712 158 Infectious Disease Activities, appropriation for . 469 106 Information Agency, United States. See United States Information Agency. Inland Waterways Corporation, appropriation for 232 1773 543 Insect Pest Control, appropriation for__ 189, 864 Insecticides, studies on effects upon fish and wildlife; appropriation author852 ized 479 Insurance: Civil Service Commission, expenses, 159 payment from Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance F u n d 87 290 Companies, taxes on income 36 158 District of Columbia Taxicab Insurance Act of 1958 952 99 F a r m loans 840 Federal Employees' Group Life I n s u r 1686 ance Act of 1954. See separate 834 title. Federal Savings and Loan Insurance 159 Corporation, administrative expenses, funds available for; limitation 1077 105 Federal ship mortgage insurance. See separate title. 981 Fire and Casualty Act, D.C., amendments 21 1702 Life Insurance Act, D.C., amendments. 19 M u t u a l companies, tax extension 259 National Service Life Insurance Act of 619 1940— Disability insurance, increase in bene958 fits, amendment 630 Term insurance, conversion and exchange 1716 National Service Life Insurance and United States Government life insurance under "Veterans Bene931 fits", title 38, United States C o d e.. 1147 National Union Insurance Company of 541 Washington, D.C., amendment of charter 404 121 Nuclear ship Savannah, protection outside United States 525 Veterans. See separate title. War risk insurance program under 1762 Federal Aviation Act of 1958 800 Inter-American Highway: 545 Appropriation authorised . 184 Appropriation for 232, 866 403 Construction provisions 909, 914