Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/1978

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[72 Stat. 1936]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 1936]



Interior, Department of the — C o n t i n u e d National P a r k Service—Continued District of Columbia, advances for services El Portal, Calif., acquisition of land for administrative site for Yosemite National P a r k Highways. See separate title. National Cultural Center, membership of Director on Board of Trustees National Parks. See separate title. Oil and Gas, Office of, appropriation for.


Page Interior, Department of the — C o n t i n u e d Reclamation projects—Continued Glen Canyon unit, Colorado River 506 storage project, use of funds for payments with respect to certain land exchanges 1772 H e a r t M o u n t a i n Irrigation District, Wyo., approval of r e payment contract, etc H u n t l e y reclamation project, termination of certain claims by Crow 1698 Tribeof Indians, M o n t.. 155, Missouri River project, Glendo unit, Wyo., authorization for construc874 tion and operation Pribilof Islands, appropriation for adOahe D a m and Reservoir project, a c ministration 162, 875 quisition of Indian lands for, e t c. Public Lands. See separate title. Range improvements, appropriation for. 157 Palisades Reservoir project, addition of certain lands to Caribou and Reclamation, Bureau of— Targhee National Forests Administrative provisions. Appropriation Act 1577 Pecos River Basin, N. Mex., and Tex., construction for irrigation Appropriation for 58, 1574 purposes . Claims, payment of 1577 Reclamation Project Act of 1939, Construction and rehabilitation— amendment, variable r e payment Appropriation for; restrictions 1575 contracts Funds for transfer from 1577 R e d Willow D a m and Reservoir, Work by force account, funds for; Nebr., congressional a p p r o v a l restriction 1577, 1578 of report justifying construction, General investigations, appropriation etc for 1575, 1577 Rio G r and e reclamation project, Landowners and tenants, reimburseMercedes division, Tex., conm e n t for moving expenses 152 struction, maintenance, etc., a u Loan program, appropriation for 882, thorized... 1576 Seedskadee reclamation project, Rewards, payment for information Wyo., acquisition of lands withconcerning violation of certain in -.-. laws 1577 Washoe reclamation project, N e v. Special funds, disposition 1576 Calif., appropriation i n c r e a s e — Upper Colorado River Basin fund, appropriation for 1576 Y u m a project and Boulder D a m, Reclamation projects— Ariz.-Nev., protection work b e Arch Hurley Conservancy District, tween authorized Tucumcari project, r e payment Report to President, mineral resources, contract 615 review and evaluation of developBoulder Canyon project, disposal of m e n t and exploration program lands in Boulder City area 1726 Report s to Congress— Chief Joseph D a m project. Wash., Central Valley project, Calif., report construction, operation and on studies of plan for service to maintenance of four units, a u S a n t a Clara, San Benito, S a n t a thorization 104 Cruz and Monterey Counties Cpachella Valley C o u n t y W a t e r DisColorado River Commission, protrict, Calif., construction of irriposed unit development gation distribution systems and Fish and wildlife coordination prodrainage works, authorized 968 grams. Fort Randall D a m and Reservoir, use . K l a m a t h Indian Forest, Oreg., selecof funds for payment of certain tion of appraisers claims to — Mineral resources, review and evaluaCrow Creek Sioux Tribe, S. Dak., tion of development and exploraetc 1766 tion program Lower Brule Sioux Tribe, S. D a k.. 1773





687 1762






963 705



937 31 566 817