Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/308

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[72 Stat. 266]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 266]


PUBLIC LAW 85-477-JUNE 30, 1958

[72 S T A T.

first time it appears, strike the remainder of the subsection and insert "for such purpose and for succeeding calendar years not to exceed 40 per centum of the total amount contributed for such purpose for each such year." (3) I n subsection (b), which relates to contributions to the technical cooperation program of the Organization of American States, strike out "1958" and substitute "1959". SPECIAL ASSISTANCE AND OTHER PROGRAMS

SEC. 205. Title IV of the chapter designated by paragraph (2) of section 501 of this Act as chapter II of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended, which relates to special assistance and other programs, is further amended as follows: lo use i^o'jn (^) ^^ subsection (a) of section 400, which relates to special assistance, strike out "1958" and "$250,000,000" in the first sentence and insert in lieu thereof "1959" and "$202,500,000", respectively; and strike out all following "stability" in the first sentence and all of the last sentence and insert a period. l\ T^f«* ^^^' (^) I ^ section 402, which relates to earmarking of funds, strike out 22 USC 1922. «1958" in the first sentence and substitute "1959". jg22 USC 1923, (c) Repeal sections 403 and 404, which relate, respectively, to Special assistance in joint control areas and responsibilities in Germany, and substitute the following new section: "SEC. 403. RESPONSIBILITIES I N GERMANY.—The President is hereby

authorized to use during the fiscal year 1959 not to exceed $8,200,000 22 USC 1920. of the funds made available pursuant to section 400(a) of this Act in order to meet the responsibilities or objectives of the United States in Germany, including West Berlin. I n carrying out this section, the President may also use currency which has been or may be deposited in the G A R I O A (Government and Relief in Occupied Areas) Special Account, including that part of the German currency now or nereaf ter deposited under the bilateral agreement of December 15, 1949, between 64 Stat. B8i. the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany (or any supplementary or succeeding agreement) which, upon approval by the President, shall be deposited in the G A R I O A Special Account under the terms of article V of that agreement. The President may use the funds available for the purposes of this section on such terms and conditions as he may specify, and without regard to any provision of law which he determines must be disregarded.". 2'2^sc'1925'* (^) Amend section 405, which relates to migrants, refugees, and escapees, as follows: 71 Stat. 361. (1) In subsection (c), strike out all following "fiscal year" and substitute "1959 not to exceed $1,200,000 for contributions to the program of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees for assistance to refugees under his mandate.". (2) I n subsection (d), strike out "1958" and "$5,500,000" and substitute "1959" and "$8,600,000", respectively. UNehiidren'8 (e) I n section 406, which relates to children's welfare, strike out '^'^use 1926. "1958" and substitute "1959". 22 USC 1927. (f) In section 407, which relates to Palestine refugees in the Near East, amend the first sentence to read as follows: "There is hereby authorized to be appropriated to the President for the fiscal year 1959 not to exceed $25,000,000 to be used to make contributions to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near E a s t: Provided, That of the funds appropriated pursuant to this section fifteen per centum shall be available only for repatriation or resettlement of such refugees."