Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/328

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[72 Stat. 286]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 286]


PUBLIC LAW 85-483-JULY 2, 1968



reservations as set forth in subsections (1), (2), and (3) of section 2 of this Act. Drainage. SEC. 6, Unless the Secretary, after notice and opportunity for hearing, shall find that the same is seriously detrimental to the preservation and propagation of the flora or fauna of Everglades National Park, he shall permit such drainage through the natural waterways of the park and the construction, operation, and maintenance of artificial works for conducting water thereto as is required for the reclamation by the State of Florida or any political subdivision thereof or any drainage district organized under its laws of lands lying easterly of the eastern boundary of the park in township 54 south, ranges 31 and 32 east, township 55 south, ranges 32 and 33 east, and township 56 south, range 33 east. H e shall grant said permission, however, only after a master plan for the drainage of said lands has been approved by the State of Florida and after finding that the approved plan has engineering feasibility and is so designed as to minimize disruptions Right-of-way. of the natural state of the park. Any right-of-way granted pursuant to this section shall be revocable upon breach of the conditions upon which it is granted, which conditions shall also be enforcible in any other appropriate manner, and the grantee shall be obligated to remove its improvements and to restore the land occupied by it to its previous condition in the event of such revocation, Land, etc., ex^ SEC. 7. The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to transfer to change. the State of Florida by quitclaim deed the land, water, and interests therein, previously acquired by the United States of America for Everglades National Park and not included within such park by section 1 of this Act, such transfer to be in exchange for the conveyance by the State of Florida to the United States of all land, water, and interests therein, owned by the State within the boundary of the park as described in section 1 of this Act: Provided, That exclusion of any land, water, and interests therein from the park boundary pursuant to section 1 of this Act shall be dependent upon the contemporaneous conveyance by the State to the United States of all land, water, and interests therein, owned by the State within the park boundary described in section 1 of this Act, including land, water, and interests therein, heretofore conveyed to the State for transfer to the United States for inclusion in Everglades National Park. The effectuation of the transfer provided for in this section shall be a condition precedent to the acquisition by the Secretary of any land, water, or interests therein held in private ownership within the boundaries set forth in section 1 of this Act and outside the area designated in the Act of October 10, 1949, except as such acquisition is by donation. Appropriation. SEC. 8. There are hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums, but not more than $2,000,000 in all, as are required for the acquisition of land, water, and interests therein held in private ownership within the boundaries of Everglades National Park as fixed by section 1 of this Act and outside the area described in the Act of October 10, 1949. Approved July 2, 1958. Public Law 85-483 July 2, 1958 [H.R. 12164]

AN ACT To permit use of Federal surplus foods in nonprofit summer camps for children.

Be it eTmoted by the Senate'and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That clause (3), sec-