Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/367

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[72 Stat. 325]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 325]




PUBLIC LAW 85-506-JULY 7, 1958

or offers were filed prior to and were pending on May 3, 1958, shall require the payment of 25 cents per acre as lease rental for the first year of such leases; but the aforesaid exception shall not apply in any way to royalties to be required under leases which may issue pursuant to offers or applications filed prior to May 3, 1958. "The Secretary of the Interior shall neither prescribe nor approve any cooperative or unit plan of development or operation nor any operating, drilling, or development contract establishing different royalty or rental rates for Alaska lands than for similar lands within the States of the United States. "No claimant for a lease who has been guilty of any fraud or who had knowledge or reasonable grounds to know of any fraud, or who has not acted honestly and in good faith, shall be entitled to any of the benefits of this section." SEC. 11. The Secretary shall have authority to issue such rules and regulations as are appropriate and necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act. Approved July 3, 1958.


Rules and regulations.

Public Law 85-506 AN ACT To require the full and fair disclosure of certain information in connection with the distribution of new automobiles in commerce, and for other purposes.

July 7, 1958 [S. 3500]

Be it eimcted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may Automobile inbe cited as the "Automobile Information Disclosure Act". cfo'sure Act" DEFINITIONS

SEC. 2. For purposes of this Act— (a) The term "manufacturer" shall mean any person engaged in the manufacturing or assembling of new automobiles, including any person importing new automobiles for resale and any person who acts for and is under the control of such manufacturer, assembler, or importer in connection with the distribution of new automobiles. (b) The term "person" means an individual, partnership, corporation, business trust, or any organized group of persons. (c) The term "automobile" includes any passenger car or station wagon. (d) The term "new automobile" means an automobile the equitable or legal title to which has never been transferred by a manufacturer, distributor, or dealer to an ultimate purchaser. (e) The term "dealer" shall mean any person resident or located in the United States or any Territory thereof or in the District of Columbia engaged in the sale or the distribution of new automobiles to the ultimate purchaser. (f) The term "final assembly point" means— (1) in the case of a new automobile manufactured or assembled in the United States, or in any Territory of the United States, the plant, factory, or other place at which a new automobile is produced or assembled by a manufacturer and from which such automobile is delivered to a dealer in such a condition that all component parts necessary to the mechanical operation of such automobile are included with such automobile, whether or not such component parts are permanently installed in or on such automobile; and (2) in the case of a new automobile imported into the United States, the port of importation.