Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/488

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[72 Stat. 446]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 446]


PUBLIC LAW 85-570-JULY 31, 1958

[72 S T A T.


For folding speeches and pamphlets, at a gross rate not exceeding $2.36 per thousand or for the employment of personnel at a gross rate not exceeding $1.77 per hour per person, $200,000. REVISION OF LAWS

For preparation and editing of the laws as authorized by the Act filc^note^pr'ec. approved May 29, 1928 (1 U.S.C. 59), $16,500, to be expended under 1; 213.

  • the direction of the Committee on the Judiciary.


For purchase, exchange, hire, driving, maintenance, repair, and operation of an automobile for the Speaker, $16,000. MAJORITY L E A D E R ' S AUTOMOBILE

For purchase, exchange, hire, driving, maintenance, repair, and operation of an automobile for the majority leader of the House, $16,000. MINORITY L E A D E R ' S AUTOMOBILE

For purchase, exchange, hire, driving, maintenance, repair, and operation of an automobile for the minority leader of the House, $16,000. ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISION

Salaries or wages paid out of the items herein for the House of Representatives shall hereafter be computed at basic rates, plus increased and additional compensation, as authorized and provided by law. CAPITOL POLICE GENERAL EXPENSES

For purchasing and supplying uniforms; the purchase, maintenance, and repair of police motor vehicles, including two-way police radio equipment; contingent expenses, including $25 per month for extra services performed for the Capitol Police Board by such member of the staff of the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate or the House, as may be designated by the Chairman of the Board; $36,700. CAPITOL POLICE BOARD

To enable the Capitol Police Board to provide additional protection for the Capitol Buildings and Grounds, including the Senate and House Office Buildings and the Capitol Power Plant, $89,236. Such sum shall be expended only for payment for salaries and other expenses of personnel detailed from the Metropolitan Police of the District of Columbia, and the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are authorized and directed to make such details upon the request of the Board. Personnel so detailed shall, during the period of such detail, serve under the direction and instructions of the Board and is authorized to exercise the same authority as members of such Metropolitan Police and members of the Capitol Police and to perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Board. Reimbursement for salaries and other expenses of such detail personnel shall be made to the government of the District of Columbia, and any sums so reimbursed shall be credited to the appropriation or appropriations