Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/670

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[72 Stat. 628]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 628]

PUBLIC LAW 86-677-AUQ. 18, 1958



Public Law 85-677 August 18, 1958 [H.R. 10423]

Hawaii. Reef land*.

48 USC 4 9 1. 42 Stat. 119. Commieaioner. P o w e r s and duties.

31 Stat. 141. 48 USC 4 9 1. Sale of l e a s e.

AN ACT To grant the status of public lands to certain reef lands and vesting authority in the commissioner of public lands of the Territory of Hawaii in respect of reef lands having the status of public lands. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the reef lands described in section 2 of this Act are hereby given the status of public lands within the meaning of the Hawaiian Organic Act (31 Stat. 141) and, unless set aside for public purposes under section 73(q) of the Hawaiian Organic Act (48 U.S.C. 677), are placed under the control of the commissioner of public lands of the Territory of Hawaii. The commissioner of public lands with the approval of two-thirds of the Board of Public Lands, Territory of Hawaii, is authorized in respect of reef lands which have the status of public lands to (a) initiate, and cause to be constructed or made as provided by the laws of the Territory, one or more projects for the reclamation of said reef lands, (b) permit or require such reclamation by one or more lessees pursuant to the terms of leases made by him, and (c) exercise any other power relating to public lands: Provided, That no work shall be done on said reef lands without the consent of the Territorial board of harbor commissioners and all work shall be in compliance with Federal laws enacted for the protection and preservation of the navigable waters of the United States. Any lease made by the commissioner of public lands in respect of such reef lands may be made for any term not to exceed fifty-five years or such longer term as may be authorized by an amendment of the Hawaiian Organic Act concerning public lands. Any such lease shall be sold at public auction and may contain such terms, covenants, and conditions as the commissioner of public lands may deem proper and as are approved by the said board of public lands. SEC. 2. The reef lands given the status of public lands by this Act are more particularly described as follows: PORTION OF ALA MOANA R E E F AREA

Kewalo Basin to Ala Wai Boat Harbor Kukuluaeo and Kalia, Honolulu, Oahu, Territory of Hawaii

45 Stat. 2974.

Beginning at the east corner of this reef area and on the north boundary of lot 5 - A - l of land court application 852, the coordinates of said point of beginning referred to Government survey triangulation station "Punchbowl" being 9,063.05 feet south and 2,940.06 feet east, as shown on Government survey registered map 1986 and running by azimuths measured clockwise from true south:— 1. 77 degrees 59 minutes 93.79 feet along lot 5 - A - l of land court application 852; 2. 336 degrees 48 minutes 0.76 foot along lot 5-A-l of land court application 852; 3. 45 degrees 00 minutes 2,900.00 feet more or less along area transferred to the Territory of Hawaii by Presidential Proclamation 1856 dated October 27, 1928, to the line of breakers; 4. 117 degrees 32 minutes 05 seconds 5,583.15 feet more or less along line of breakers; 5. 202 degrees 50 minutes 2,538.56 feet more or less along the reef area of Kaakaukukui acquired by the Territory of Hawaii from B. P. Bishop estate by deed dated November 3, 1919, and recorded in liber 529, pages 216-218 (land office deed 1903);